[h3][center][color=9000f9]Trinity Stratos[/color] Ship to Tenrou [/center][/h3] "We don't sail the sea, where I come from. It's an old superstition, maybe, but... It's dead water. Cursed, some say. Others say there used to be a country there. No one wants anything to do with it. So, no boats. Cars, landships, airships. This whole 'boat' thing is weird, but not hard to understand. And now you tell me it has no engine. I suppose the concept is ancient..." "To the deck, then." Trinity joined Prince, using a percussion and brass combo to conjure [url=https://youtu.be/yui_TikKqvY]a certain theme[/url] as they made their way to the deck, leaving room for Prince's fiddle to fill in whatever melody he liked She was getting her sea legs well enough, as they got to the deck. The occasional off toss threw her, but for the most part, it was a rather regular rocking that went well with music. If she thought of it as a metronome, it was easy. It was strange, suddenly being at the mercy of a constant rhythm that, seemingly, from here, ruled the world. As she stepped through the door to the deck, she caught sight of a stumbling Karn. Thinking about it, she had to wonder how he was doing on this little piece of wood in a giant puddle of water. Though, she couldn't just ask, either, he'd hear it and freak out. She'd just have to assess, herself. She looked at Prince for a moment, not sure if she'd seen Karn get nauseated before. "Are you doing alright, Karn? And Karn?" She came over and put one hand on Karn's shoulder, her body stilling as she offered support. Her free hand conducted her instruments, though the music dimmed. "Do you..." Don't lean Karn over the side of the ship, "want a bucket?"