[hider=CS] [hr][center][b][color=purple][h2]Michelle Garcia[/h2][/color][/b][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/MAaP7TMyeYBJUSA8ZkdZHorDy-0/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2010/08/31/3/192/1922283/rose-byrne/i/Rose-Byrne-Damages.jpg[/img][/center] [color=purple][b]SETTLEMENT:[/b][/color] Fireflies [color=purple][b]AGE:[/b][/color] 35 [color=purple][b]OCCUPATION:[/b][/color] Doctor [color=purple][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Michelle is of average height and weight, standing at about 5'6 and weighing just under 135 lbs. She has dark blond hair and brown eyes, and more often than not, the expression on her face could mislead others to think she has an attitude problem when in reality, she's a more serious person than most. Hey daily clothes include muted, earthy tones such as soft greens and browns as well as light grays. She's most comfortable in leggings and a slightly over-sized sweater, but when she's working, she'll be wearing more professional clothing such as a skirt and blouse underneath her white robe. Additionally, whenever she's on duty, she'll always be seen with a stethoscope hanging around her neck. [color=purple][b]FAMILY:[/b][/color] Her father, Dr. Roberto Garcia, her mother, Mrs. Elena Ramona Garcia who tends to various gardens throughout the settlement and also helps with any tailor-related issues, and her uncle, Carlos Garcia, a single man who's an experienced hunter. [color=purple][b]RELATIONSHIP STATUS:[/b][/color] Single [color=purple][b]FRIENDS:[/b][/color] Michelle maintains a healthy relationship with just about everyone in the settlement. She's friendly towards everyone and for the most part, they all return the favor. As far as having that one best friend whom she can turn to in times of need, Michelle hasn't necessarily "clicked" with anyone to that level. She'll either keep to herself or have a conversation with her mother whenever she feels the need to vent. [color=purple][b]HOBBIES:[/b][/color] Given her role within the settlement, Michelle spends a lot of time learning from her father, a career doctor himself. She also enjoys reading and cooking, as well as playing card games as a gamble whenever she feels she needs to take the edge off. [color=purple][b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b][/color] Michelle is of Spanish decent, her grandparents being born and raised in Madrid. She's lived in the settlement her whole life, a small fact which has bothered her since childhood but that she has long accepted given that her parents have also gone through the same experience. Her father, Dr. Garcia, has helped many within the settlement throughout his years there, and eventually, when Michelle was of age, he started passing down his knowledge to her the same way his father did when he too was a doctor. Since Michelle is an only child, she feels she has a big responsibility on her shoulders. Growing up, Michelle spent many nights listening to her father tell her stories that he was told during his youth of what times were like prior to the Quakes. Her grandmother passed away roughly a decade ago and her grandfather, Dr. Garcia-Rodriguez, passed away a few years after that. Prior to their death, the elderly couple had fallen very ill, and their sickness nearly tore the family apart since despite their knowledge, they couldn't do anything to help them. Due to the fact that Michelle has to constantly deal with the sick and the dying, she doesn't necessarily have the happy-go-lucky attitude any other woman would generally have. She's quiet and reserved, but given there's not much to do during her free time, she'll usually head down to the pub to drink and that's when her personality will shift, becoming more outgoing and talkative, a welcomed change not only for her, but for whatever company's around at the moment. Recently, Michelle has been working on updating a few of the books that were passed down to her for medical training. She's made some additional discoveries within the field that although are not groundbreaking, do certainly certainly need to be noted. Her father is helping her with the updates so that she may better concentrate on her actual job. Michelle is also looking to settle down with someone soon so that she may finally start a family of her own. [/hider] Sorry the wait, the weekend happened and it was kind of a crazy one.