[quote=@WrongEndoftheRainbow] Sounds like a problem with your internet. I can simplify it, but it won't look as good. EDIT: The current iteration is currently about 6mb, which means it takes me about 6 seconds to load it. If your internet takes 5 minutes to load it, there's Big Issues with your internet. [/quote] Don't worry about it, I live in the third world so my internet speed is not as fast. I downloaded the map and saw it was at 9.3 mb so that answers my questions lol. Anyway, here's my landgrab, had to upload the pic in a smaller size and resolution for practicality purposes (landgrab is the yellow dot up and to the left, named Aella's Retreat): https://sta.sh/0btau7sw9jp . Yes, I'm linking it cause putting the pic here directly seems to lower its quality. No idea what's happenin. Edit: here's another version, I think this one's bigger? I think my eyes are mad. Gremju's getting to me mate https://sta.sh/0apo3bct1oc