Asher held his partner by his upper-chest, keeping up with the group. Vulcan’s eyes glimmered and his mouth was overflowing with drool from the mention of meals. His expression remained reserved. The surrealness of butterflies and this entire scenario seemed like just another figment of his imagination. He looked at the girl, hearing the answer to her question. [i][color=6ecff6]“I hadn’t even thought of that until my dream…”[/color][/i] Asher recalled. [i][color=6ecff6]“How can I stay here when my father-”[/color][/i] [color=#ff6b00]“Hey!”[/color] Vulcan interrupted Asher’s thoughts, seeing Vulcan staring up at him. [color=#ff6b00]“Why’s your chest being so loud?!”[/color] Vulcan asked as if he was across the room, instead of beside him. Asher blinked. He didn’t really realize that his heart was pounding since the class finished. [color=#ff6b00]“I don’t like that!”[/color] Noticing the slightest frown on Vulcan’s face. Asher smiled and stopping walking. Shifting Vulcan to hold him with only one hand. Patting Peti-Meramon's head, the second pat suddenly feeling like he was touching a lit stove. [color=6ecff6]“Ow.”[/color] Asher instinctively let go, letting out a slight gasp as Peti-Meramon fell just above the ground as he floated. Asher sighed out in relief. Peti-Meramon glared up at him. [color=#ff6b00]“No touching.”[/color] He said sounding upset. Asher rubbed the palm of his hand with his other thumb, realizing that he hadn’t actually been burned. [i][color=6ecff6]“Oh right...he didn’t like that when I did it the first time-”[/color][/i] Asher thought looking down. [color=#ff6b00]“Now pick me back up!”[/color] He added before Asher had a chance to reply. Asher picked his partner up and caught up with the other students. [i][color=6ecff6]“You sure are finicky...but I think he was worried about me. I guess I can wait until I’ve eaten…”[/color][/i] Going through the fields of flowers, the scents reminded him of something that he couldn’t quite place. Approaching the clocktower, and another girl with a small digimon, both quickly introducing themselves. He walked toward the table and grabbed the bag with his name on it. Vulcan’s eyes set on the paper bags, smiled wide. [color=#ff6b00]“Don’t care. Too hungry! Where’s the food? Is it there?!”[/color] Vulcan states in disregard. [color=6ecff6]“Vulcan-you don’t need to be rude.”[/color] Asher quietly scolded. He smiled at Lilac and the other digimon. [color=6ecff6]“It’s nice to meet you both.”[/color] Turning to his fellow students, keeping an eye on Peti-Meramon. [i][color=6ecff6]“Well if we’re going to be classmates. I suppose I should introduce myself...”[/color][/i] He stopped Vulcan from ripping the bag from gnawing on it. [color=6ecff6]“Hello, I’m Asher…”[/color] He fell silent. Gulping down the frog in his throat. [i][color=6ecff6]“...W-we didn’t already do this before have we?”[/color][/i] [color=#ff6b00]“I’m starving!”[/color] Vulcan moaned loudly in protest, interrupting any possibility of awkward silence. [color=6ecff6]“Alright. Try to chill a little.”[/color] Asher said reaching inside the lunch bag and pulling something out. Blankly staring at the completely unfamiliar food, having the consistency of day old bagels but it had a slightly sour smell and it barely looked digestible. Peti-Meramon quickly chomped down, nearly taking the whole thing and starting chewing. His face twinkled with satisfaction, with filled cheeks. [color=#ff6b00]“Yum!”[/color] Vulcan said mouth still crammed full of food, before swallowing it all down. [color=6ecff6]“You don’t need to bite off my hand.”[/color] Asher uttered, tossing what was left in the air being caught by Vulcan’s open mouth.