[sup][@CloseEnough][/sup] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180403/ab6569b8f2338fb00a0b42bee52e77f4.png[/img][/center][hr][hr]As soon as she heard those three loud knocks coming from the front of the room, Diamond sat straight up in bed, her eyes popping open and instantly focusing on the oak doors. She watched with mild curiosity as the door slowly creaked open, and raised her eyebrows when her gaze met that of a petite, younger woman. The young woman was beautiful, to say the very least; she had soft features and a face full of freckles that stood out against her pale skin. Her most striking feature, however, definitely had to be the thick, red hair that curled around her face and cascaded down her back. Diamond observed in silence as the girl entered into the room and sat on the bed across from her. Her nose wrinkled a bit as the woman’s peculiar odor wafted from her bed to Diamond’s place on her side of the room. She was a [i]vampire.[/i] She could easily tell that the other girl was nervous based on how she fiddled with the tassels on her bag. Her lips slightly twitched at the corner when she caught sight of the large cello case that the girl had set against the wall. [color=#CE4A00]“You know, you don’t have to be nervous,”[/color] Diamond said, her gaze momentarily flicking down to the girl’s wrist, [color=#CE4A00]“I’m not one to [i]bite[/i].”[/color] As Diamond spoke, she unconsciously studied her new roommate’s facial expressions, curious to see how she would react to her joke. In the few months that she has been immersed in this new way of living, not once has Diamond had any sort of encounter with a vampire despite hearing many stories about their species. Therefore, she had no idea what exactly to expect from the girl. So far, she seemed to be alright, but that was still subject to change. For the time being, Diamond decided to just treat the other girl just as she would any “normal” person. [color=#CE4A00]“Diamond Greene. It’s nice to meet you too, girl.”[/color] As Diamond introduced herself, she confidently held her hand out to her roommate to shake. [color=#CE4A00]“I guess we’re gonna be rooming together for a while, so we should get to know each other a bit. I’d hate to have to live with a complete stranger, you know?”[/color] after saying this, Diamond let her gaze land on the large cello case that sat not too far away. [color=#CE4A00]“I take it that you’re a musician...”[/color]