[hider=SawBones] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][h1]Sawbones[/h1][/color][/center] [center][h3][i]" And thus, The Great Hippo did verily decree to all Organic Mechanics the sacred vow: Do Know Harm" [/i][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/49/03/3e/49033e7f3f8a255cda61b3970429cb57.jpg[/img][/center] [color=DarkSlateBlue][u]Appearance[/u][/color] Most wasters that encounter Sawbones assume that his clothes are in fact his skin. Sawbones typically wears a brown patch-work laboratory coat over a set of linen slacks, outfitted with leather hoops, belts and pockets to keep his vast collection of 'medical' knick-knacks on his person for easier accessibility during his work. His face is covered with a series of rags and a set of swimming goggles to keep him protected from the sun-light. No one never knows what Sawbones true face looks like. Is it a bald man? Is it a woman pretending to be a man? Is it secretly a handsome warlord? [u]Role/Skills[/u] Role: Blood-Boy (Organic Mechanic/War-Boy) [color=DarkSlateBlue][u]Path[/u][/color] Blue Path with a tiny sliver of Green when it's beneficial for him. [color=DarkSlateBlue][u]Equipment[/u][/color] [hider=The Panacea] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/58/8f/7b/588f7b132ab12241ce67623592d9cfe2.jpg[/img] The Panacea is a rudimentary ring journal made out of stained brown paper that contains anatomical diagrams and medical notes accumulated during Sawbones journey through the wastes. Each note and diagram is painstakingly scrawled with a mixture of what's avaliable on-hand for Sawbones include plant pigments, ink, pencil lead and blood in order to conserve the small amount of paper that Sawbones has access to. [/hider] [hider=The Hippo's Chariot] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/57/5e/05/575e054e089a4f609280111bfd24e202.jpg[/img] The Hippo's Chariot is a bastardised dune buggy scavenged from the remnants of a golf cart and the frame of an ambulance. It is outfitted with a small V6 Engine and its wheels had been modified for efficient travel across desert terrain. It is mainly used as a storage vessel for the vast amount of human body parts that Sawbones uses for his personal experiments.[/hider] [hider=Scapels] [img]https://img.etsystatic.com/il/13b077/1166661446/il_fullxfull.1166661446_m066.jpg?version=0[/img] In close quarters combat, Sawbones uses his vast array of jury-rigged scapels of sharpened scrap metal, human bone and petrified wood for both medical examination and disembowelment of the enemy.[/hider] [hider=Syringes] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/434020272241115149/437366873001164801/e0a51219251eac140aedc54b9d19a0f5.png?width=169&height=300[/img] Notwithstanding the issue of tetanus or rickets, syringes are an Organic Mechanic's best friend. Used to deliver a highly toxic chemical payload to his enemies or a highly questionable beneficial chemical payload to his allies.[/hider] [color=DarkSlateBlue][u]Personality[/u][/color] If a real doctor from before the Fall were to analyze Sawbones, several phrases would be used to describe him. "Medical malpractice", "quack" and "Human Rights Violation" are just the surface. Sawbones is a highly ardent believer and follower in the ways of the Great Hippo, a legendary god-like figure amongst all Organic Mechanics who believe the Great Hippo to be the patron saint of all Organic Mechanics in all of their 'medical' endeavors. Sawbones has a single-minded obsession with a badly butchered historical phrase from the questionable book compiled by various Organic Mechanics with the help of a History Man known as " The Hippo's Oath". This phrase is known as "Do Know Harm" which Sawbones believes to be divine permission from the Great Hippo as a means of expanding his 'medical knowledge' no matter the cost. Sawbones goes from enclave to enclave in the wastes, offering his services to war-lords for a period of time in exchange for a safe shelter with an access to a large supply of 'patients' to expand his glory in the name of the Great Hippo. Sawbones also regularly participates in war raids and parties for the purpose of testing his new experimental drugs as a means of worshipping the Great Hippo and to restock up on 'material'. [color=DarkSlateBlue][u]History[/u][/color] Sawbones was once an ordinary nameless test subject born as part of an 'medical' experiment in pregnancy by a rovering group of Organic Mechanics known as " The Abattoir". The purpose of the experiment was to form a reliable method of pregnancy in the wastes in order to increase the survival rate of children in enclaves. An Organic Mechanic took pity on Sawbones and raised him in the ways of the Great Hippo. With nothing else to turn to, Sawbones earned his nick-name from his very apparent enthusiasm in the operating room with surgery. When Sawbones accidentally injected himself with an unknown chemical composition one day, he claimed to have received an hallucinogenic vision of the Great Hippo, who had blessed him as his emissary and to go spread the good word of the Great Hippo to all other wasteland settlements. Sawbones immediately packed up whatever belongings he had and much to the complaints of the other Organic Mechanics, dissapeared without a trace. Sawbones now wanders around the wastes to spread the good word of the Hippo to all heathens and unbelievers. [/hider]