[center][h1][color=00aeef]CeCe[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=Squad Last Down] [u][b]Defenders[/b][/u] [s]Field Commander - [i][color=f26522]Salem[/color][/i][/s] KIA Excecutive Commander - [i][color=a187be]Aether[/color][/i] [s]Trooper - [i][color=00a651]Behemoth[/color][/i][/s] KIA Sniper - [i][color=0072bc]Calibre[/color][/i] Driver - [i][color=fff79a]Daemon[/color][/i] [u][b]Consultants[/b][/u] Engineer Chief Sato [url=https://image.ibb.co/fFdE87/CC_small.jpg]Security Chief Lapin (Bunny)[/url] Liaison Officer [color=c4df9b]Xavier[/color] ~~~ [i][b]Rescued[/b][/i] Pilot Chevalier Lapin - [i][color=00a99d]Thor[/color][/i] [color=f6989d]Capt. Alina Reid[/color] [/hider] Aether held one eye to her scope whilst calmly tracking the intruder vehicle. Once within the killzone, she would fire. She squeezed the trigger. ‘[i]Clink![/i]’ Empty chamber. [color=a187be]"Cal! Perimetre! One got through! I'm out, man! You gotsta Pacify that mutha![/color]" Dead to rights was the driver in his sights. Calibre squeezed the trigger. '[i]Clink![/i]' Empty chamber. He hand signalled to Aether and both Defenders immediately rose from their respective positions and ran to the motor bike.[color=a187be] "[i]Dae! X! Sate! Me[/i] n' Cal are moving out! Oh and boys, ya gots a rat at 10 o'clock! Repeat rat at 10! Concentrate all fire-- naw shit...! Is that what I think it is...?"[/color] ~~~ [color=fff79a]"Rock... et... gun..."[/color] said Daemon weakly. His legs were pulverized and his hip was shattered. If he made it out alive, there was little other than cybernetic prosthetics that would allow him to walk again. But then again he was losing blood. But fast. [color=fff79a]"X... Sato... [i]RPG—[/i]" [/color]He managed to glance over his shoulder but upon witnessing the bedlam taking place behind him, he just shook his head. [color=fff79a]"--do it... self... babies..."[/color] Out the driver's side he leaned and gave a god-loving screech as things that should not move the way they did in his body moved the way they did. But Daemon was a good soldier. A tough one. And he had enough consciousness left to squeeze out a few shots and take out the rocket launching baddie. The first shot; wide left. The second; closer but still wide left. Both eyes closed. A breath he took. Only his left eye opened and he fired. The ground directly to the left and mere 4 inches away took a round. With this next shot, he would hit the target. And he did. The RPG wielder's right collar was shredded by Daemon's final shot. But that was all. The bullet passed right through cloth, not flesh. The RPG wielder spun then fired at another vehicle. [color=fff79a]"Worse aim then me... hah. X...! Sate...! Hold fire! Hold fire.. [i]Aeth...?[/i] This Dae, over..."[/color] [color=a187be]"This is Aeth! Go ahead..."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Rat is a newfish... just RPG'd NO pursuer. Heard from Bunny yet?"[/color] [color=a187be]"Blondie is en route, bro. So are we. Hang tight--"[/color] [color=fff79a]"Can't. 'Going down... after boss-lady… n’ big boy. Take care… those Last Down babies, okay? You [i]Aethie boss-lady[/i] now…"[/color] [color=a187be]"Roger that. Thank you, Daemon. Thanks for taking care of my baby brother. Thanks for getting us out on time and alive. [i]Diapers cinched, Farouk.[/i] I'll see ya when I see ya…"[/color] [color=fff79a]"Roger that, Di. I'll see ya... whe… awwwww, X. Don't cry... Don't cry bro... L-Let’s go… ehhh-exxx… don't... d-don... cr--" [/color] Reginald Xavier cradled Daemon and began to cry as the Defender driver’s body went limp in his arms. ~~~ The three of them crawled underneath the pinched tractor trailer, CeCe's brother, Chevy, swearing neath his breath each time his right leg shimmied up. [color=00aeef]"Chev...! [i]Ca va? Qu'est qu'il y a...?[/i] You hurt?"[/color] [color=00a99d]"I'm good! I'm good!"[/color] said Chevy, then under his breath, [color=00a99d][sub]"...shit that hurts..."[/sub][/color] [color=f6989d]"Well, well, sounds like good ol' 'Thor' over there got kicked in the hammer," [/color]said Alina dryly, [color=f6989d]"naw Val, I splinted up his leg. Possible compound fracture. Hip don't look so good neither. Bruising, swelling, both sides. Needs a doctor--"[/color] [color=00a99d]"I'm good I said, Captain Reid."[/color] CeCe nodded firmly as she crawled as far as the over-hanging edge of the trailer and stopped. Captain Reid had called her 'Val.' It had been so long since anyone called her by her old pilot's callsign. Old wounds were opening but fast now. [color=f6989d]"So what now, Val...?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"We gunna' get some wheels. And it's: [i]Bunny[/i]."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Say what?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"It's [i]Bunny[/i] out here now, Cap."[/color] [color=f6989d]"[i]'Bunny and Thor'[/i]. What did these people do to [i]my Valkyrie[/i] and [i]my Titan[/i]? What’s my handle? [i]'Milk n’ Cookies'[/i] then?” [/color] [color=00a99d]“The Defender Corps likes their comics and Anime too much, Cap. And I always pictured you as more of a [i]Cookies n’ Cream[/i] myself—”[/color] [color=00aeef]“[i]Couchon...![/i] Knock it off. The hell just happened there…? Daaaayaammm! That’s my boy! That’s our big boy! Let’s move out! Looks like Bee just dropped a grenade up in their ass. [i]We have comandeer-able, folks![/i] Hell yeah, Bee!!”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Dammit… that’s Behemoth… see ya when I see ya bro… dammit…”[/color] [color=00aeef][i]“Aether…?![/i] This is Bunny—”[/color] [color=f6989d]“—Ugh… have some self-respect, woman—”[/color] [color=00aeef]“—we have wheels. You’re baby bro did us one last solid. Yippeekay’d some mutha’s dead, girl. Hero, no doubt.”[/color] [color=a187be]“This is Aeth. Copy that, Bunny. Hell yeah, big boy… We just lost Dae. But we got a newfish now. Two dudes in a comandeer’d NO. Me n’ Cal are on the 989 bike. [i]Wrath n’ Rapture[/i] are spent. Just the serviceable side arms now.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“[i]Bruno’s[/i] spent too. Just two full assaults. 2 clips. 3 serviceables. And whatever’s in that comandeer-able. Be there in 90 seconds, Aeth!”[/color] [color=a187be]“We will be occupied. Flash your lights: one, one, two, two. And get that ‘junk’ over to your transport, girl. Last down. Get it done. Aether out.”[/color] Into the vehicle they went and drove away from the NO camp. She sorely wanted to pick up Bee’s body and put him in cargo, but she knew that was fool’s errand. His weight and the time spent would just slow them down. Instead she took his side arm, remaining grenade, his Defender tags and brought his heavy sub-machine gun, Bruno with them. [color=00a99d]“How she doing, [i]ChaChe…? [/i]Really, how is Aether…?”[/color] [color=00aeef]“She just lost Behmoth, her baby brother, her baby bro’s bestie, Daemon, and Salem, her own bestie and commanding officer. Aeth has no choice but to be A1 5-by-5, Chev. She’s boss-lady now…” [/color] ~~~ [color=a187be]“Alright, newfish… “[/color] Aether cleared her throat then tapped the comm in her ear. [color=a187be]"Ears on, friendly neighbourhood rogue vehicle? This is Execu— this is acting Field Commander Aether. You see that blip coming up on your 6 reeeeeal fast? Don’t be alarmed. Yeah, hi, that’s us on the motorbike. “We just made a pickup from the boys back there. Hey, Mr. RPG… They say thanks for not cramming the rocket down their throats. We gots 2 smokes, 4 grenades and my boy Calibre here is double fisting some heavy irons… and he don’t say much… nuttin’ at all actually, but he’s a dead shot. Me? I’m not a bad driver but I’mma need some cover so I’mma stay up close to you until we break up? Don’t get emotional when I pull out, k? “Ai’ight then. We gots back up en route. I’ll let you know when I see her. You’ll like her. She’s even more of a bitch than me-- wait. Hold up... Oh, and what’s that, girl? Bruno ready to sing..? Yeah, you gunna like her… she big, she blonde, and she packing my baby bro’s [i]fully loaded[/i] submachine gun and it’s reeeeeeal pissed off. Hell yeah, Bee... “So once again, this is Aether here and I’ll be your date for this kamikaze soiree. Just let me know whacha want, whacha like and I’ll follow your lead. I like to dance. Oh! So, yo, friendly neighbourhood rogue vehicle? What's your handle?” [/color]