[img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9e/8d/ef/9e8defc5b0f4e444e94f6fb00fe8435c.jpg[/img] [i]They say to fear of wanting Of hollow things unseen A fire in your belly They say dare not to dream For ice it stings like fire When touched to tender flesh If she does not consume you You'll burn just like the rest They say look not with wanting There's sin behind the eyes But who could resist taunting She tells such pretty lies[/i] Below are pictures that have plots, or inspiration for plots. Pick one, and tell me what comes to mind. [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e2/da/eb/e2daeb8c6a69a1f0e15bdf9d4461cb31.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0f/e1/c6/0fe1c6ec98abe63c48eca1b94432124a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/48/15/9f/48159fcc81e6d9c7843ee8d696a9cca8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/af/28/81/af28812e5332518394035f27b4cd5c48.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]DISCLAIMER:[/b] I am currently craving something historical with pregnancy involved. Bonus points if you're interested. Hello there! I'm Stringent, and I'm a lover of stories. I'm looking for an exceptional partner, and I'm hoping that's you. I love character driven plots. The time and place are not nearly as important as the people, and that's what I want to explore through our writing. Life, love, relationships, and of course sex. Who I'm looking for Someone who can write on an highly literate level. I'd like novel quality, if I'm being honest. I love beautiful words, and I don't want to be stumbling through run on sentences. Because of this, I am asking that you attach a writing sample to your pm. Someone to play a male character, opposite a female of my own. I don't care what gender you are. Someone who can create characters with depth, and flaws. Someone who is excited to be invested in the creation of our story, and active in moving the plot along. I'm not here to drag your lifeless body through a roleplay. What's important to me Communication is key. You will not offend me, so please be honest about your likes and dislikes. If the story has gone off course and you want to backtrack, tell me. If your muse is dead, tell me. If you're not actually going to be online when you said, tell me. If you hate my character, if you need a nap, if you want to take a week to rest, just let me know. I will do the same. Mature content will be a part of this story. I do not fade to black, as I'm not a fan of leaving two characters alone and 'guessing' what happened after. As for how much sexual content will be in the roleplay? Well, that depends on the story. I'm not looking to write absolute smut, but I will write as much as is important to the plot. Story/smut balance is important to me. I love darker themes, so I'm not interested in writing a 'happy go lucky' slice of life. While I love medieval fantasy, Victorian era, and sci fi, my interest in the setting depends on the actual plot. I want to write something that's going to be full of feeling. I will not partake in Anything with incest. Anything with furry implications. Any potty play. Again, anything with a tail. No. Anything with a whiny, submissive male. Themes I like Violence The Fae Abduction Serial Killers Pregnancy Captives Arranged Marriages Love/Hate Age gaps Ghosts Magic Prophecies Traumatic accidents Near death experiences Celebrities Historical Mermaids Dragons Mysteries Thrillers Romance Childhood friends reunited War Twisted Fairy Tales Executions Teasing High end escort You might be wondering, where's the list of plots? Well, I'm not putting them here. I would prefer to create something together, that suits both of our tastes. At the very least, I would like to be sure we're a good match as partners before I start listing all of my ideas. If you are interested, please send me a pm with a writing sample.