[h1][b][i][color=lime][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC4yM2Y2MGUuUld4cFlYTWdTR0YzZEdodmNtNWwuMAAA/raven-script-demo.regular.png[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/fqYyDhyAKUHba/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][color=lime]Location:[/color] South Rawyn - The Community Center [color=lime]Interactions:[/color] Aiden [@pokemad1], Lucy [@2plus2isnot5][/center] [hr][hr] A man in a raincoat approached him, Elias didn’t think he recognized him, being that Rawyn was a rather small town and Elias had a knack for remembering faces he was guessing the guy was an out of towner. The man mentioned he seemed calm, asked him about Lucy, and showed him the same note he had found underneath a sleeping cat earlier in the day. Was he calm? He was certainly less worried about the situation when he noted Lucy was behind the note, she seemed like good people, at least that was the vibe he got. Something about the choice to come here felt like the right decision, although he hadn’t wanted to be here, something within his intuition told him he was supposed to be here. [color=Lime]I wouldn’t say I know her, seen her around town. You live in Rawyn long enough you learn the faces. Don’t think I’ve seen you around though. I’m Eli, guess we got the same invite.” [/color] He said introducing himself as he looked at the letter the man in the raincoat showed him. [color=Lime]“As for being calm, I guess there’s a bit of tranquility in accepting what the universe wants from you. The universe wants me here so I guess I’ll just enjoy some free food and see where it takes me.”[/color] He added as Lucy began addressing why they were all here. The room was full of nervous energy as she spoke, he could feel it, there was desperation in her voice. She had called them here for magic, some kind spell to find the missing girl, Olivia, clearly someone who Lucy was close with, having felt loss before Eli could understand. His experience with practicing magic, the real kind, was very minimal, but he enough to know that eight people would mean serious energy. This was something to be taken lightly, doing a powerful spell with doubt could be dangerous. Getting involved in more weirdness was not what he wanted, not what he thought he’d be doing when he woke up this morning, but it was what was needed of him. Someone’s life was at stake so now was not the time to be selfish, he decided at that moment he was in for whatever was necessary. [color=Lime]”I’ve spent my life doing things people wouldn't normally do so I’m in, whatever you need.[/color]