[hider=Basira] [color=darkseagreen]So what's your name?[/color] You don’t know already? Well then I suppose you may call me Basira. [color=darkseagreen]Why do you look like [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/86c1/i/2015/112/3/1/custom_sphinx_by_oukamiyoukai45-d8qp3f3.png]that[/url]?[/color] All the very best sorts of creatures look like this. [i]You’re[/i] the funny looking one, I mean what sort of sphinx are you supposed to be? You aren’t a sphinx? Why ever [i]not[/i]? [color=darkseagreen]You're weird. I bet you can do some cool stuff.[/color] You’ve been quite rude enough already, but if you must know, I can fly, and I am so clever that even the trees and the boulders listen to me. [color=darkseagreen]So where's your home? Is it as weird as you are?[/color] I live in the highest branches of the oldest trees in the Tangle, a different one every night if I’d like. [color=darkseagreen]What's your favorite candy?[/color] I eat only fruits, and my favorite berries are the bright green bell berries that grow on the twining vines in the highest Tangle trees. [color=darkseagreen]Do you have any?[/color] Not anymore. [color=goldenrod]High Concept:[/color] Keeper of the Door [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] I guard the door of the Tangle against the entrance of unworthy intruders, and I decide whether or not to close the Door during crisis. [color=goldenrod]Trouble:[/color] The Only One [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] The is only one Sphinx in the tangle, so I am lonely and vain and prone to self-pity. [color=goldenrod]1st Aspect:[/color] Riddle Me This [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Whenever asked a direct question, I must, of course, answer with a riddle. If not, what sort of sphinx would I be? (I didn’t do this for the sheet so that you guys could have the info about my character without having to puzzle it out.) [color=goldenrod]2nd Aspect:[/color] Knowledge is Power [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] I know of most every creature above ground in the Tangle. [color=goldenrod]3rd Aspect:[/color] So Many Choices… [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] I am highly indecisive when given multiple choices. [color=goldenrod]4th Aspect:[/color] Head in the Clouds [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] I may be wise and clever, but most of the time I'm too busy daydreaming or contemplating the great mysteries to bother with the present. [/hider]