[color=olive]"Oh what the-oh Heeeeeel naw!"[/color] Trickshot Jo wasn't having any of that. As Bonesword flew up at her, she swung her hammock back so that the skelekid would miss. Only his back leg could brush against the hammock, catching it slightly and tearing a small hole in it. The badger drew a gun on Dirk with a mighty glare. [color=olive]"Punk ass bitch better keep to yoself, ya dig?"[/color] Then she noticed Caesar staring oddly at her and switched to pointing the pistol at him. [color=olive]"And wut you starin' at, honky?! Eh. Bitches ain't worth it."[/color] The badger holstered her firearm again, and continued eating in peace. She failed to notice her tail sticking out the bottom of the hammock where a hole had been made. While Bonesword approached his captain and asked where his precious sword might have gone, Boone hadn't a clue... But he wouldn't remain ignorant for long. As soon as he approached the Krunch Krew's doctor to proposition for some drinks, he laid eyes on the Shroomblade... Being used as a toothpick by the drunkard! [color=brown]"Shure-hic-Ish lovesh to!"[/color] The drunken doctor unhooked some sort of gourd from his belt and set it on the table within Boone's reach, then popped the cork off. Immediately the smell of a very intense and pure alcohol wafted across the room. Meanwhile out on deck, Runch was returning from delivering food to Kite. He flung the door open with enthusiasm, shooting multi-colored pellets from his fingertips like a shower of confetti! [color=turquoise]"OMNOMNOM! This has been a very joyous meeting! I've made a captain's decision! So long as my fellow captain agrees with it, of course. Why don't we sail ahead together, and throw a party? A celebration of new friendships, and of reaching the Grand Line! OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!"[/color] He turned to look at his own crew, who each gave their own form of approval, from Ken's drunken thumbs up, to Smith dancing a little jig, to Hachirou's stoic nod, and even to Jo's complete shrug of feigned apathy. Runch let out a big holler of celebration, and Hachirou stood up, politely delivering his dishware to a nearby sink, before addressing the crew. [color=orange]"I will prepare to sail, but we do not know where we are going, cap'n. You all insisted that we would 'figure it out once we get there.'"[/color] Runch, blushing with embarrassment, scratched his head. [color=turquoise]"Omnom... Oh yeah... Uh... Well we can still figure it out! You can work your navigator magic, Mister Hachirou, I believe in you! OMNOMNOMNOM!"[/color]