[center][h1][color=057fbc][b]David Costley[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][code]Grand Ridge Academy - The Car Park[/code] [hider=Characters Present] [@Surtr Inc] - Kimberly & Jordan [@FernStone] - Rien [/hider] [/center] [hr] This wasn't some sort of hollywood film, there was no sudden realisation to David that he had said anything wrong nor would he ever understand what it was by his lonesome. The mere utterance of what he had proclaimed threw one of the others into a snarky, aggravated response that had to be calmed before the conversation could continue - the drunk and their female compatriot did just that. David stood in confusion for the seconds that it took to unfurl the situation, it wasn't as though he had accused them of anything... All he had done was state in surprise that even someone drunk could forget that event and asking for further confirmation... That was when things became weird. The drunk returned to David and claimed to remember fragments, doodling within their sketchbook continuously... then with what seemed to be a flick of their wrist, a butterfly seemed to leap out of the page. It could have been thought of as some sort of optical illusion if it hadn't then flew off into the sky. The others seemed just as surprised, with the drunk sputtering and the photographer making a futile attempt to capture it. David again stood silently, this time from surprise rather than confusion. The drunk suggested that they draw something else, an item to capture the butterfly. This was when David returned to his senses, whatever was left of them after the [i]second[/i] supernatural-esque event that he had the mischance to partaken in... [color=057fbc]"A net..."[/color] eyes never leaving the butterfly as he mumbles those first words, [color=057fbc]"A butterfly net, er that's what you need."[/color] He returns his gaze to the group before continuing, [color=057fbc]"One of those circular ones you see in Hound of the Baskervilles. And Spongebob..."[/color] he mimics the shape of the item to the drunk in case they hadn't seen either. [hr][hider=Within Satchel] [list] [*] Dorm Keys, [*] School identification, [*] Notepad, [*] Pencil Case (With pens, pencils, a rubber, ruler and sharpener), [*] David's Phone, [*] David's Wallet (Excluding Credit Cards which he keeps in his room) - two twenties and a tenner, [/list] [/hider]