[center] [h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone[/color] || City Hall || Sunday Approx. 7:30 PM[/h2] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2i9nk07.png[/IMG] [sub]Victoria [@PrinceAlexus], Allison and Kriss[@Mattchstick][/sub] [/center] [hr] Giving a bright smile to Victoria at her words, the tall firefighter rubbed the back of her head, ruffling up the dirty blonde strands of hair. Giving a soft silent chuckle before tapping the bar counter gently as she took her water. Looking to the bartender and pointing to the glass of water then holding up two fingers. Soon enough, she had another glass of water. Turning her gaze back to the two paramedics, Ashton's amethyst eyes blinked a little and softened in concern as Allison seemed to grow uncomfortable and a bit more on the wobbly side. Kriss stepped into the situations and listed some facts. The tall blonde found it a little odd Allison was here at all if she was underage and seemed to have difficulty in the presence of alcohol. She was a little surprised her superiors didn't detour her from such a party but perhaps it was a test or to show that it wasn't too unlikely for someone of their stature needed at a event like this. Hopefully though, Allison tries to stay a bit away from parties like this. Tilting her head to the side as Kriss stated the death count due to alcohol per day, the firefighter just blinked again. He seemed to like to be factual and he was at least dedicated to his job. She was a little bit surprised he bothered to say it though. Ashton having to keep healthy, mostly drank just water and kept alcohol and even soft drinks to a minimum unless on special occasions. Although she also would prefer if people didn't drink as it usually led to problems, she also understood the wish to have some sort of release. Some way to get their mind off things and relax. Several of her former teammates back in the army just needed it and even then it didn't help. Alcohol could do that, but she'd like to make sure folks don't quite overdo it. Waving after them in farewell as the two walked off, Ashton turned to Victoria at her question before looking to where the two went off. Crossing her arms over her chest before lifting her left hand up to cradle her chin in a thoughtful manner, Ashton looked to the pale woman and gave a reassuring smile. Unfolding her arms and waving a hand before pointing out toward Kriss and gave a confident trustful smile. Admittedly, Ashton was quite worried over the minor, but Allison had Kriss. The man might come off as uncaring, but he did step in for Allison and Ashton was sure that she couldn't be in any more safer hands then a dedicated paramedic. Ashton then curled a fist and stuck her thumb out toward herself before cupping her hands over her eyes like a pair of binoculars then holding them out in front of her slightly curled upward like she was holding something princess style. Trying to convey she'd keep a eye on them from here and if needed she'll help carry Allison back safely home. She didn't think it was needed but it was just in case. Taking a breath, Ashton then picked up the second glass of water and held it out to Victoria and gave a soft smile, eyebrows slightly furrowing as she gave a sort of pleading expression for the girl to at least drink a little bit. Best to drink some water now, and maybe munch on a little bread to help the process of consuming alcohol and avoiding a major hangover in the morning.