[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180221/49bcc0b2957deef9bc393fe1c8c068d4.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/jxxGyANc3HRicBmN7e/giphy.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180405/f97f1bee750ae49cd0db7c5ce20bc2fa.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180405/4950e8a4c6c96610c1a90f326320083d.png[/img] [/center][hr][center][b][color=4169E1]Location:[/color][/b] The Crypt - The Palace [/center][hr] Lyra watched Asha closely, as she was filled with a sense of certainty that the [b]Magykal[/b] woman had the answers to all the questions surfacing in her mind. What was that aura that even she, a wholly Non-[b]Magykal[/b] being, could detect? Could the others in the room sense it as well? And what bearing, if at all, did it have on the untimely death of the dearly departed Queen Meliscente? Perhaps considering her station as a mere servant, it would have been more befitting for her to hold her tongue on the matter, but she wasn't most servants. Perhaps considering the solemn circumstances, it would have been more appropriate to [I]not[/I] ask probing questions. Then again, she was infamously known to throw propriety to the wind without a moment's notice. Nothing and no one would stop her from seeking and speaking the truth. [color=4169E1]"Do you feel that, that--"[/color] she spoke up unabashedly, before pausing just as soon as she had begun. Bear in mind, her pause of speech was not at all due to a sudden dip in her confidence. No, it was that when Asha turned back around, Lyra caught the [b]Magyk[/b] dancing in the woman's eyes and the glowing intensity of the woman's gemstone. She would have found herself once again mesmerized by it all if it weren't for the fact that in those same eyes was a look of a grave seriousness. It was a look that only preceded bad news. Her lips thinned, and she glanced back over at Prince Myrus, her heart clenching in her chest. She didn't like to see him, or anyone for that matter, hurting, particularly when there was little that could be done to truly console them. Nevertheless, she was grateful when Emperor Taj stepped in so quickly to comfort Myrus. She met the Emperor's gaze as he glanced over at her, and her blue/green eyes were filled with empathy. She winced the slightest bit when Myrus broke the momentary silence by asking if his mother was murdered. He was too young to have to ask such questions. He was too young to have lost so much in his life already. She closed her eyes for a moment as she sadly shook her head. When her eyes finally opened again, her gaze landed back on Asha as the woman spoke up. [hr][hr] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171220/5ec03724db4435074dd4b4d274e4bc3b.png[/img][/center][center][img]http://gisborneduo.weebly.com/uploads/2/8/8/5/28853375/2149697_orig.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180416/9c368df236600c9ecc824d2d919be46e.png[/img] [/center][hr][center][b][color=808080]Location:[/color][/b] Port Witch Coven House [/center][hr] Malekith's dark blue eyes looked between the two women, his witch mother Fleur and his more or less secret adversary Nera. He put forth a façade of cordiality, but it was just that, a façade, a mask with which to hide his geninue lack of interest and feelings. He had spoke his piece, and that was all that really mattered to him. Any rebuttal was inconsequential, or was at the very least of very little significance, in his eyes. Then again, he was a part of a "team," so he had to adhere to Fleur's final say so, lest he lose his current advantageous position in the Port Witch Coven. [I]Blasted politics.[/I] Nevertheless, in the case that his witch mother made a stupid, potentially life-threatening (obviously referring to his own life) decision, he could rest assured that he would find one hell of a loophole. To his surprise, and a bit to his disappointment, Nera actually had a solid escape route. Granted, he wouldn't let her take all the credit. After all, it had been [I]his[/I] idea to take into account an escape route. She just so happened to know the means to which they could do so. [I]Technicalities.[/I] He simply arched a brow in her direction with an expression that more or less said "oh really." He didn't bother to conjure up any more of a reaction than that lest he inflate her ego. His gaze then turned to Fleur as she gave her final verdict so to speak. She mostly agreed to what he had suggested, only dismissing part of it. Personally, he preferred to work alone, so the idea of having less people to deal with and manage had its appeal. Besides, it had been just an idea he had decided to throw out there. It was really no sweat off his back if it was dismissed. Malekith gave a nod of his head in understanding and acceptance of Fleur's terms. He then met her mischievous grin with a sly smirk of his own. He certainly liked a woman with a dark side. His smirk grew and a hint of desire came to his eyes. It was quickly snuffed out though at what she asked of him to do. Gathering provisions was no biggie, but taking care of children, as in actually [I]taking care[/I] of them, ugh. Unless it involved making them disappear, Malekith didn't do children. He had heard that there were apparently certain appealing qualities to children. [i]Apparently.[/i] Truthfully, he just didn't get it. I mean, as far as he was concerned, they were just bags of pee, poop, and snot. Talk about gross. He blinked but otherwise kept his features intact. [color=808080]"As you will, m'lady,"[/color] he replied charmingly. He gave her a slight bow and then a playful wink, before grudgingly walking off in the direction where the children were housed.