[hider=Basira] [color=darkseagreen]So what's your name?[/color] You don’t know already? Well then I suppose you may call me Basira. [color=darkseagreen]Why do you look like [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/686b/i/2018/036/d/4/libra_by_grimmla-dc2adkz.png]that[/url]?[/color] All the very best sorts of creatures look like this. [i]You’re[/i] the funny looking one, I mean what sort of sphinx are you supposed to be? You aren’t a sphinx? Why ever [i]not[/i]? [color=darkseagreen]You're weird. I bet you can do some cool stuff.[/color] You’ve been quite rude enough already, but if you must know, I can fly, and I am so clever that even the trees and the boulders listen to me. [color=darkseagreen]So where's your home? Is it as weird as you are?[/color] I live in the highest branches of the oldest trees in the Tangle, a different one every night if I’d like. [color=darkseagreen]What's your favorite candy?[/color] I eat only fruits, and my favorite berries are the bright green bell berries that grow on the twining vines in the highest Tangle trees. [color=darkseagreen]Do you have any?[/color] Not anymore. [color=goldenrod]High Concept:[/color] Keeper of the Door [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] I guard the door of the Tangle against the entrance of unworthy intruders, and I decide whether or not to close the Door during crisis. [hider=The Door] [center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/1c89/th/pre/f/2014/335/f/6/the_hidden_door_by_rogierb-d88b9ps.jpg[/img][/center] The Door is set into the rock outer wall of the Tangle, where the map marks an opening. By day, the door stands open, a passage into the unknown worlds beyond, and guarded by the Sphinx, Basira, who tests any who hope to enter the Tangle. By night and in times of great peril, the gate is closed. [/hider] [color=goldenrod]Trouble:[/color] The Only One [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] The is only one Sphinx in the tangle, so I am lonely and vain and prone to self-pity. [color=goldenrod]1st Aspect:[/color] Riddle Me This [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Whenever asked a direct question, I must, of course, answer with a riddle. If not, what sort of sphinx would I be? (I didn’t do this for the sheet so that you guys could have the info about my character without having to puzzle it out.) [color=goldenrod]2nd Aspect:[/color] So Many Choices… [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] I am highly indecisive when given multiple choices. [color=goldenrod]3rd Aspect:[/color] Head in the Clouds [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] I may be wise and clever, but most of the time I'm too busy daydreaming or contemplating the great mysteries to bother with the present. [/hider]