Unpleasant situations were a mainstay of a soldiers life, but few offered as much opportunity for an ironic death as taking a surrender. It was usually the last moment of hostility, but everyone was still twitchy with adrenaline. There was often someone who didn’t get the word or was too deep in the grip of fight or flight to hold his fire. Junebug stepped from her concealment, the barrel of her weapon shimmering as the silicon carbon dissipated waste heat. This time it was ok. Guns were all down. One of the black armored mercs was gurgling liquidly as he twisted on the ground. The body armor had shattered under the point blank crash of the submachine gun. “We have a medicomp, lose the guns and get him up,” Junebug ordered. The soldiers looked to the black haired man who nodded briskly and hit the release catch of his combat webbing. The mass of gear slithered to the ground with a clatter. The other soldiers followed suit and two of the bulkier onces lifted the wounded trooper, Junebug saw it was a woman and dragged her towards the hatch. “Neil open her up, two coming in for the medicomp.” The leader had his helmet off looking disgusted. Junebug could appreicate his position. It was likely the six men could have gotten out, assuming Neil didn’t vaporise the whole building by firing the plasma cannon, but even if he could there was no way they could have gotten the black plasteel intrusion unit out. Junebug didn’t doubt that the electronic safe cracker was worth hundreds of thousands of credits. Better to save it, even if that meant surrendering on terms. Standard Terms allowed mercs to retain their equipment in exchange for parole. “I’m Master Seargent Kagan, Kolecks Commando,” he said extending a hand. Junebug took the proffered hand and shook it. “I’m Captain Sayeeda Cykali, I… I’m not technically with an outfit,” she explained. It was an open question as to whether standard terms applied to her. To her surprise Kagan shook his head. “You are listed as a reserve captain in the KDF,” the mercenary disagreed. The ramp crashed down rattling Sayeeda’s teeth. “The KDF?” “Kylurian Defence Force, I guess I’ll trust President Andor to shoot you if you decide to execute me and my men.” [@POOHEAD189]