[quote=@Inkarnate] BTW having no power and forced to use your phone to post sucks. [Hider=WIP CS][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180414/3b52c3ddfca2d2428b417cfa305e60ae.png[/img] [hr][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/0493/th/pre/f/2015/351/7/3/shinoa_hiiragi___owari_no_seraph___minimalist_by_metalsynkk-d9kfm2j.jpg[/img] [hr][h3][sup][sup][color=gray]marina sorellia watercrest [color=A296B7][b]◇[/b][/color] twenty-eight [color=A296B7][b]◇[/b][/color] female [color=A296B7][b]◇[/b][/color] the imperial sea [color=A296B7][b]◇[/b][/color] moon[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3] [/CENTER] [indent] [hider=Personality] [indent]The heir of a family legacy spanning several generations and two bloodlines, it bears little surprise that Marina has a good amount of baggage. Marina is a tough woman with ambitions greater than the strongest tides. Her father, a recognized “pirate hunter” and fleet admiral for the imperial demesne, has been Marina’s sole parental figure in her life following her mother’s wayward disappearance when she was six years old. But even with all of the education, expectations, and demands the purple-haired girl faced there was always a sense of abandonment and mystique that Marina found difficult to digest. Especially considering the fact that her mother’s deeds were things she realized were never going to fade – she would never stop hearing how she reminded people of her mother. Her father and her teachers would soon find that Marina did not appreciate the sentiment by any means. But no matter how Marina acted out or tried to stand above others she couldn’t shake the comparisons. Some people have suggested that such brash impulses only strengthened the comparisons to the famed adventurer of the seven seas. The traits that made people call Marina the “second coming” of Marisabel Everdeep were things that Marina could never temper. The sarcastic and almost flirtatious wit, the acting before thinking, the sense of adventure, and the quickness of rage would define Marina, though she undeniably had her father’s sense of pompousness, tenacity, and perceptive ability just the same. Though Marina still to this day desires to be different and to be known as Marina Watercrest and not the Admiral’s Daughter or the spawn of Marisabel Everdeep. She wants very strongly for people to think of her for her own deeds and merits. She wants it so much she detests hearing her mother and father’s names. Especially considering her father is notoriously distant and her mother essentially abandoned her. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=History] [indent] [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Gear] [indent]Marina Watercrest is an experienced diver, adventurer, and sailor. She’s been formally trained in swordplay since she was nine years old, learned marksmanship at an imperial academy in her teenaged years, and has been a wayward adventurer representing the imperial sea for almost a decade now. Her incredible conditioning in academics and military artforms aside, Makina is not an able engineer or scientist. She’s primarily a woman of action who is ready to go into battle with an aetherblade (in the imperial style) in one hand and a diver’s pistol in another. She holds a utility belt alongside her collapsible diving suit and generally prepared for a fight. [/indent] [/hider] [/indent][/hider] [/quote] Impressive that you were able to do that on your phone. I don't think I could stand doing that much typing there. [@DruSM157] should I make a Discord group for this RP? It might be a good way to communicate with people.