[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=2d5eb9][center]Alexander Jakobsen[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/7eb85379c927ba29e169941b1ee0d580/tumblr_inline_n7mqh5W6aT1ssoiqt.gif[/img] [color=2d5eb9][b]Location:[/b][/color] Washington DC[/center][hr][hr] Alex thought for a moment, before proceeding to start walking up and down the streets, looking at the ground. It appeared as though he was thinking, but in reality, he was looking for loose change. People dropped the stuff all the time, so if they were lucky, they'd find enough change to use a pay phone or something. It was probably their quickest option, he had an idea of just who it was they could call to help them out, and he hoped that she'd answer the phone when he called. After a few minutes, he had a handful of change, and it was enough to make that call. He led the way to the nearest pay phone, before he started putting the change in. [color=2d5eb9]"Going to try calling someone who was on the conference call,"[/color] he said to Ricky as he started punching in the phone number. He waited until he thought he had heard someone pick up, before speaking. [color=2d5eb9]"Hey, Jade Cornish? This is Agent Alexander Jakobsen, I'm guessing by now you know about what happened at OMEM?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=silver]Thalia Maehers[/color][/h1] [hr]Location: Hotel Interacting With: Lilith and Folly[hr][/center] [color=silver]"Eh, you might as well try it. We have no other option at the moment, or any other ideas. Ugh, I still feel like I have massive heartburn, damn fireballs. Of course, at least I didn't set the library on fire last night. That was a possibility given the fact that we were in an old dusty building, filled with a lot of old books. One stray spark was all it would have taken for the place to go up in smoke,"[/color] she said, ignoring her "friend" who decided to stop by again. "Wow, you guys really have no idea what you're doing do you? Makes sense if you think about it. After all, one of you is used to this more so than the other two, one of you is time sensitive or whatever, and the other one talks to ghosts. You three are a great team." [color=silver]"Shut up, go away and leave me alone,"[/color] Thalia mumbled trying to ignore the hallucination. She wasn't even sure how to explain to the other two that when time broke or whatever, she started seeing a guy in red spandex.