[hider=Finn] [color=darkseagreen]So what's your name?[/color] It’s Finn. [color=darkseagreen]Why do you look like [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/f0d6f55ff8d5a939a2f176b9105fa44a/tumblr_or35he0Kd31s29fu9o1_500.png]that[/url]?[/color] What do you mean like that? I’m small because I’m a faerie and I have wings so I can fly. [color=darkseagreen]You're weird. I bet you can do some cool stuff.[/color] That’s not a question, but you’re right. As I’ve said I’m small and I fly, so there aren’t many places I can’t go. That’s a very helpful skill when you don’t know where you’re going. Oh! I can also talk to animals. They talk back too, if I’m nice enough. [color=darkseagreen]So where's your home? Is it as weird as you are?[/color] I’ll let you know when I find it. I can’t quite remember where it was, but I’m pretty sure I’m getting closer. It’s been awhile since I’ve been home but I think I’ll know it when I see it! [color=darkseagreen]What's your favorite candy?[/color] Honeycomb for sure. I had a deal with some bees. [color=darkseagreen]Do you have any?[/color] I [i]had[/i] a deal. [color=goldenrod]High Concept:[/color] The Lost Faerie [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] An accident left his memory a bit jumbled. He wanders the Tangle in search of his home. [color=goldenrod]Trouble:[/color] Not All Who Wander Are Lost, But I Am [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color]Many years have passed since Finn lost his way, yet he is still plagued with homesickness and loneliness. He has seen many strange things, however, and has visited nearly every part of the Tangle. [color=goldenrod]1st Aspect:[/color] I Cannot Tell A Lie [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Faeries are naturally incapable of lying. This does not stop them from avoiding the truth however, and many are adept at manipulation through talking around the truth. Finn tries his best. [color=goldenrod]2nd Aspect:[/color] Did You Hear That? [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Finn’s attention span is shorter than he is. He gets distracted easily, sometimes by things that are not even there. [color=goldenrod]3rd Aspect:[/color] It’s Nice To Meet You [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Finn almost never remembers a face. He has not recognized people he has met the day before at his worst. He has a few tricks for remembering people he deems important enough. [/hider]