[center][img]http://image.ibb.co/dME51n/onward.png[/img] Within each room the TV's on the wall came to life, interrupting everything that was going on. After a brief tone the face of Professor Oak appeared in a pre-recorded message. [color=fff79a][i]Welcome everyone! Congratulations on winning the Oak Institute Trainer Program lottery. At this time each and every one of the twenty winners has completed orientation which means that it is time for you all to beging your journeys. You will explore the Region of Kanto, for some of you that will be home, others a new place. Whatever is the case, this experience will change your lives and give you a new perspective on our world. I could go on for hours about what you should do or may encounter, but where is the fun in that? Each and every group will now receive a message on their Pokedex explaining what your first task is. Once that is out of the way you'll have an opportunity to do whatever you like, whether it be a case of challenging a gym or just hunting some pokemon. So with that I bid you all farewell and goodluck![/i][/color] Professor Oak's face faded from the TV and simultaneously each and every person's Pokedex, no matter the room, pinged as it received a message. The messages we're unique to each room and laid out what was next for each group. The destinations were clear but how the groups would get there was entirely up to them. This was to be their journey, their story and it would unfold through their own actions and decisions. [hider=Room 1 - Team Red][img]http://image.ibb.co/gVgkHS/red1.png[/img][/hider][hider=Room 2 - Team Blue][img]http://image.ibb.co/cidXxS/blue1.png[/img][/hider][hider=Room 3 - Team Black][img]http://image.ibb.co/kLOMrn/black1.png[/img][/hider][hider=Room 4 - Team White][img]http://image.ibb.co/jCUGP7/white1.png[/img][/hider][hr][hr][hider=][@Bigg Slamm][@pkken][@TheIrishJJ][@Archmage MC][@King Cosmos][@clanjos][@Jerkchicken][@Wolpertingers][@Menhir] [/hider] [/center]