[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3WExQbF.png[/img][/center] Mako lowered her hand when the container was hurled at her feet, and Circe returned to her true form in from of the witch. The teacher smiled at Circe with something resembling pride. Obviously, she was pleased at Circe calling their bluff. She didn't get a chance to talk to her before Circe left again with a bloodthirsty look in her eyes. Yare yare! If Yurius wanted to stop her, that was his call. If not, Mako would reprimand her later, during the evaluation. Mako instead approached Ceiran, who'd taken a landing quite bad and had seemingly hurt his shoulder. Mako sighed. Without his demon, he had less raw talent or potential than a random human pulled off the street. It was pitiful in many ways, his fragility and baffling lack of combat or magical ability. She crouched down beside him. [color=d1aaf7]"Stay still. Rolling around on the ground will just make it worse. Now I'm going to heal your arm. Hold still."[/color] Then, using no magic whatsoever, she popped his shoulder back into it's socket. It hurt a lot, bit shouldn't leave any lasting injuries. Just a day or two of stiffness and pain. [@Lonewolf685][@Cerces22][@Strange Rodent]