[quote=@DruSM157] I'm an idiot who believes that it's better to write answers and give credit for partial answers than have it a get the question or miss it entirely situation. Great for everyone's grades! Terrible for my free time [/quote] As someone currently planning on pursuing teaching licensure with a Creative Writing focus in English, I feel for you. I'm currently taking a break from school for a bit to sort out my own shenanigans, figure out where I'm really going and whatnot, but the current plan is to become a teacher focusing on creative writing. The alternative is I force myself to face my mental demons and actually attempt to professionalize my writing and become an author. Scary thought, that one. But that's a digression- I personally find partial credit to be a fabulous way of guiding someone in the right direction. Simply receiving a red 'x', or a false response on a scantron, might not push someone to understand where they made a mistake. I certainly know if I got a few questions wrong on my mathematics scantrons I never bothered to figure out what I messed up, though I might've just been a poor math student.