[quote=@Days] Oh! You can expect a CS from me ;) Edit: Question. If I were to play an Apostle for example, it might prove difficult to write because you don’t actually [i]know[/i] what a character is gonna do/person is gonna write. It would possibly need a small level of godmodding. (for ex: Fay sees a spider is gonna appear out of Lisa’s sleeve. Person playing Lisa has to write: I see a spider coming out of my sleeve) Is this possible or not done? [/quote] That's a really good question. I think we can find some way to work it in. Maybe either for plot purposes they can envision more vague things like... an explosion in the lab, but not knowing which one or what day, someone seeing a spider, but not seeing the face of the person that said spider is coming out of, and whichever person wants that to be them can role-play it out or kind of dibs it. And as for visions that help further the plot we can talk about it through pms to give it a bit more flow too! Hope that answered your question. Also I'll be looking at the CS that were posted after work today!