This is more or less a general interest check on a few ideas. Writing level would be Casual, to near one liners depending on situation. Might work in Discord depending on what people here like. So, question time! 1. Discord or no for conversations that don't require a lot of extra writing between naritive? 2. Space and aliens sci-f, High Fantasy world wide adventure, or horror, death, and suspense? 3. Preferences of Combat, Exploration, Role-playing, Moral Dilimas, Puzzle/Traps, Crime, Murder Hoboing, Meta-Gameing, Power Gaming, Politics, and War/Nations. Just list your favorite 3 or 4, and maybe give me some insight as to why. 4. How active do you like NPCs to be? Do you like having them in the party or at least strong enough to survive following the party, or do you prefer them to stay on the side lines so the PCs can enjoy all glory? Maybe a mix? Why? 5. Bigger or smaller groups? 6. Homebrew cool? I think that's all. If I run anything here it will all be original work. I might run a RWBY setting if convinced. EDIT So after my 4 month hiatus from lack of reliable internet its time for my grand rebirth. After viewing the surveys most of you guys seem to... 1. Be so so with Discord for OOC. This idea won't be scraped unless by popular vote of my cast. The campaign itself will also potentiality sway this. 2. Fantasy seems to be the overarching way to go for this community. Ill work on refining this after getting together a cast. 3. Heavy role playing. Seeing as this is on a role playing site I'm shocked. Really. I expected nothing but per number guys. XD Combat, exploration, power gaming, and nation/world building came in as the next most important stuff. This is fine. 4. NPCs will be minor charters for the most part, but able to hold their own if required as required by plot. So legendary heroes can kick ass, noble prince/ss to rescued can't. NPCs can join the party at the cast discretion and be helpful, but should never over shadow them as much as support them. 5. Really mixes reviews here. But I'm feeling a smaller group. 3 - 5 people. 6. Homebrew is a go. Trust nothing. Muhahahaha. I Homebrew more or less 70% of my campaigns. I've gotten damn good at balancing stuff. So no worries. If people want to play a homebrewed race and/or class I'm willing to work with you. But anything Homebrew is subject to DM discretion and changes. If it came from Dandiwiki expect me to nerf it with the fist of an angry god. RWBY won't be happening. That all said Im now going to start crafting a campaign for you guys. All still interested feel free to sign up. Id like for you to at the very least be able to post once a week. Even if its just a few lines to let us know your character has gone to sleep or is standing back to watch things unfold. Once I have a few people we'll talk details about characters you might like to play, or settings you might like to explore. I have plenty of ideas, but well get there.