[@Mokley] How many characters can we have on total? (Can I have two? pretty pleaseeee? XD) [@Moon] So... Finn might enjoy a little friend! Who knows? XD After seeing your character I'm feeling so compelled to do a pixie just to be together with Finn! <3 lol [hider=Owwnt!] [img]https://s31.postimg.cc/egvpy4n5n/31dffa784930d13879824980e1215174.jpg[/img] [img]https://s31.postimg.cc/uckk1it6j/nick-gan-007-snowdrop.jpg[/img] [/hider] PS: still very, very uncertain about what to do T___T Currently thinking about doing a pixie/fairy to be together with Finn, but that depends on Moon. lol Any other suggestion is very much appreciated XD