[hider=Lavender Sarah James] [b]Full Name:[/b] Lavender Sarah James [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Goth Girl, the Vampire, What’s-her-face [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Primary:[/b] Trickery [b]Secondaries of Interest/Secondary:[/b] Shadow Step and Toxin Production [b]Description:[/b] Lavender is tall for her age. Her long black hair and pale complexion gives her the look of a Hollywood Vampire, and she plays into this look big time. Goth kid squared, basically. She wears a lot of black, often with deep red, blue or purple accents, but very little make up. She also does not sport the religious symbols most Goth kids sports, but opts for stars, dragons and the occasional Celtic knot instead. No permanent tattoos or piercings, Lavender’s look is literally worn as an armor. [b]Personality:[/b] Lavender is used to keeping people at arm’s length. She knows she’s different, and has learned that by standing out, she can actually become almost invisible. All people see is her image, and they often keep their distance because of it. Who Lavender really is, and what she might be capable of, remain invisible to the naked eye. She’s not openly hostile, she just doesn’t invite you in. Deep down, Lavender is really curious about magic and all she is going to learn at school. She’s also eager to make friends and meet more people like her, but shedding her habit of hiding will take time. Lavender is kind, honest and friendly, even on the surface. Once you’ve made the connection, however, you’ll find a friend for live. Few people will stand by you and defend even your worst mistakes like Lavender will. [b]Crush:[/b] None, at the moment. Lavender doesn’t fall often, but when she does, she falls hard! [b]Skills:[/b] Lavender can make herself become invisible for short periods, and can take beloved items with her. She once managed to make a bully sick when he wouldn’t stop twisting her arm behind her back, but has not been able to recreate what she did. [b]Weaknesses: [/b]Lavender has little to no combat experience, and is very inexperienced in her magical abilities in general. Combined with her tendency to isolate herself, her insecurities can be used against her. [b]Brief History:[/b] Lavender was adopted by non-magical parents. Her birthparents are among those who died in the war, and Lavender is not aware of any details. She was told her parents died, and that her adoptive parents do not know what happened to them. Lavender loves her adoptive parents, considers them her mom and dad, and has so far displayed little interest in her biological family. Lavender is capable of some instinctive trickery, she made her teddy invisible when her mom decided it was time to toss it, and has a knack for disappearing when the dishes need doing, but she’s never felt free to explore these talents. Lavender’s adoptive parents have always known that they are incapable of teaching Lavender how to control her abilities. They have always been open with Lavender about the adoption, her abilities and everything else. The decision to send Lavender to Marchand was the result of a long series of discussions, and something the entire family supports. [b]Other:[/b] N/A [/hider]