[center][h1][color=Goldenrod] Noah Griffin [/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] When Noah finished up lathering, he edged into the deeper water. Slowly he began to submerge himself, the anxiety filling him up as the level drifted past his waist. It crept to his torso then finally reached his head, pulling him horizontally underneath the liquid. Grim peeled off his muscles, their taint drifted upward and trapped within the colored bubbles. His closed eyes gradually opened toward the surface. A watery, shimmering window to the air above. It hypnotically kept his attention while the water weighed him down into its shallow depths. For the moment, the pressure and sense of tranquility filled him. His heart thumped loudly in the watery environment, filling his ears then his head. Seconds passed into minutes before his instincts decided it was time to get out. Impulsively he lifted upright and began to edge to the pool’s side where he planted his hands upon the border. He lifted himself out causing the water to cascade off him. Noah’s feet moved across the smooth stone toward the local bench where both the sprite and a fresh, clean pair of clothes were situated. Again, a frown pressed to his lips as he reached for the ‘shirt’ on top. He pulled the sleeves wide to examine it, taking in any markings or oddness to it before he considered placing it on. If anything felt off, he wasn’t intending to risk his life by wearing. He didn’t trust anything in this world. Especially when it was given freely. If he found nothing wrong, he began to get dressed then exited the room. He paused just outside the bathing room to catch the music floating through the air. Curiosity pulled him toward it instead of his earlier decision to retreat back to his room.