[h2][center][color=blanchedalmond]Jampa Ba Sing Se, 8 Paths Prison: Northeast. [/color][/center][/h2] That stupid, filthy, wretched old man...did he [b]seriously[/b] just sell him out to half of the Earth Kingdom and run away? After Jampa had gone to the trouble of issuing him a proper challenge for later?! [color=blanchedalmond][b]"I'm...going to murder that geezer."[/b][/color] There wasn't time for fuming over things now, though. This place was already swarming with tons of An's soldiers like fleas on a hog-monkey. He'd have to act fast to get away, and he'd never catch that nasty, ancient lousy excuse for an Airbender if he had to chase him and fight off half a garrison worth of Earthbending soldiers at the same time. At least, he'd never manage to catch the old wretch by himself... Jampa shot a look over to the chain-wielding Firebender woman who'd mentioned a boat, the young and hotheaded Airbender quickly formulating an idea as the first boulders slammed into the wall, managing to keep his balance easy enough as they sent vibrations rattling through the stone under their feet but knowing it was just the first salvo and he'd have to talk fast if this was going to work. [color=blanchedalmond][b]"Hey uhh...chain lady! I'll help you get out of here and stop that filthy geezer from stealing your boat if you agree to give me a ride out of the city. I can probably give these guards the slip easy enough but I have no easy way of getting out of Ba Sing Se, and I guarantee you'll have an easier time with any guards chasing us with me working the escape!"[/b][/color] While he talked, he kept his footing and started whirling his arms in wide circles at first, slowly, then shifted to faster and smaller motions, drawing in air around him into a tight, spiraling vortex until it condensed down into a little spinning ball between his arms that he kept moving with little twists of his waist and shifts of his hands. [color=bleached almond][b]"I'm gonna make an opening. If you want in jump down behind me a few seconds after!"[/b][/color] Without waiting for her reply, Jampa ran forward while still tightly controlling the little spiraling ball of air, then leaped off of the wall and tucked his legs up. As soon as he was in mid-air, he kicked down hard to hopefully hit a climbing soldier or two and dislodge them, then kept falling. Seeing one of the boulders arcing through the air at him as he fell, he thrust both palms out and let go of the tiny, whirling vortex between them to reverse its course with a condensed blast of wind, aiming to send it flying back toward the group of Earthbenders volleying them and distract them all. Once he touched down on the ground, he kept his arms in motion, whipping up a little more wind to scatter any smaller projectiles, keep non-bending attackers at bay and if he'd been convincing enough, catch a falling Firebender. Build up power with spiraling movements then unleash it in quick, direct attacks. That was the Airbending Jampa wanted to create.