[center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][@LadyRunic][@Dragoknighte][@KazAlkemi][@jdh97] [img]http://0.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/44/95/49ed824e105eca3050ed9d56bf09e396.gif[/img][/center] Alright, folks, we've had a successful submission for our mystery! [@mnkee] has corrected identified the killer, the motive, and the method by which Queen Meliscente was killed. I will reveal this to everyone in the next update, as you'll see a bit of background as to why our killer did what they did. Special mention goes to [@Dragoknighte] for being the first to identify the killer and the motive. [@mnkee], please edit the following into your character sheets: Lyra - she will find this in her next post on the grounds of the Crypt [list] [*]Dragon Egg - smooth and oval shaped, it gives off a slight glow in the dark.[/list]Malekith - [list] [*]Psychological Warfare - The ability to terrify a subject into submission without the application of physical pain or threat of injury - (general skill)[/list] [@Dragoknighte], please edit the following into Atkin's character sheet: [list] [*]Basic Creature Handling - The ability to keep creatures at bay without drawing blood and to intuitively understand a creature's intentions. [/list]