[@Balthazar007] [b]May 7th Circe, Um somewhere with a lot of snow in Russia[/b] She was upset when the Vulpix popped out of its pokeball. She huffed in slight annoyance. [color=fdc68a][i]Why can't this be like in tv and video games where we are given our first pokemon?? It's more difficult to catch if I can't battle!![/i][/color] She thought to herself, but she wasn't a quitter, and she wanted this Alolan Vulpix. [color=fdc68a]"Now listen her Vulpix, you are going to be my first pokemon ever. I have waited my entire life for this moment. Nothing will stop me from catching such a beautiful pokemon such as yourself. Now join my team!!"[/color] Circe said as she threw her second pokeball, this just had to work, she couldn't threw her last just yet!! -------------------------- [b]Liz[/b] The young woman made a big speech after her first attempt. Without a Pokemon to battle with, this would be difficult start for all earth bound trainers. But of course, Liz remembers her first wild pokemon capture. He Arachne was just a little Spinarak at the time, and Hephaestus used Leer and that's how she captured the little bug. Whom she left in the care of Rin while she went out to train. She looked around at the other original trainers and some she could tell where remembering their first pokemon capture. Hell Rin still couldn't catch a Hoothoot to save their life. She turned to Mililani, she didn't have many friends in her world, many trainers didn't like the fact that their champion was transgendered. She had to battle harder and more fiercely than the average trainer in her world, and that earned her a rough reputation. Liz wore that reputation like a cloak, when even the leaders of the Brawler gang was afraid of you, than you know you reached a level of fear and respect. She hated being feared in her world, but it offered her some protection from what the people said about her. [color=f49ac2]"This takes me back to my first capture, things were more simpler than. More Black and White than later down the road which became more grey as I got older. I wish it was easy and exciting as day one, when we were bright eyed and filled with wonder. I have had to make some hard choices, many of which will haunt me for as long as I live, but I wouldn't take back a single moment, would you?? Give them some slack, we grew up with Pokemon, they only had this in their imaginations. In time they will realize it's not all rainbows and candy."[/color] She said to the girl stoicly, eyes still trained on the bouncy little girl. [@luckyblackcat]