Tam grinned delightedly as the priestess handed him the note, scanning the message briefly before turning his attention to the mysterious dark stains. Quelling with difficulty his desire to lick the suspicious stains (surely that would let him know whether they were blood, or ink, or jam...) he instead squinted at them carefully, trying to glean what he could.[color=PowderBlue]*[/color] He wasn't sure that he could make out all that much. However, he had quite clearly heard the mention of [i]reward[/i] from the anxious looking nobleman on the steps. Solving this mystery was not an opportunity he was about to pass up, and even if the note was disappointingly brief there were other ways to find things out. Drawing himself up to his not very impressive height, he addressed the little band that had formed around Beaduric. The sheet of parchment was waved vaguely at anyone who wanted to take it. Now that he had read the thing all his covetous interest had vanished. [color=green]"I don't think that it takes a genius to figure out that Lady Sheila didn't write this note,"[/color] he opined, jumping straight to the first conclusion that popped into his head. [color=green]"[i]My[/i] vote is that we go check out the family manor. Get a sample of her handwriting."[/color] His almond eyes were filled with infectious excitement, and he beamed at his companions as though they were already firm friends. [hider=*] [color=orange]Investigate[/color] the note: [color=orange]10[/color] [/hider] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Caitimus][@Claw2k11][@rush99999][@Delta44]