[quote=@CollectorOfMyst] [@Mae] [i]Broken Seals[/i] >Aaron looks up to see Luciel panicking. He pulls out a flask of whiskey and passes it to Luciel. "Drink. No use in getting scared." >He then proceeds to continue scavenging. (Spend the DT) [i]Overload[/i] >Jamie darts forward to B8, and stands in wait for Dan's verdict. If he fails, she should be agile enough to shut it down herself. [i]Darkstone[/i] >Xander waits for Scrooge. He decides that he might as well scavenge in the dirt in the meanwhile. As he does, he also gets a sense that whatever awaits them here, deep in the mines, can take advantage of their fear. He frowns, determined to shake off some of that feeling. [@Majoras End][@Scarescrow][@PrinceAlexus] We can each spend a DT in order to stop the boss from getting Dread buffs. It currently has two - and I believe Xander has 1 DT right now. So could we get rid of one, please? [/quote] If everyone agrees I'm in.