As time went on more and more attacks kept coming in, faster and faster forcing the fighters to keep upping their game. Zepura found herself slamming a fist into the ground, braking up some earth which she then grabbed in order to better defend herself; however, as the bits of earth no longer were connected to the ground the orbs started to explode rather than disappear. Within only a few seconds a barrier would be torn to shreds making her have to dodge again. The angel watched as each fighter did their best to dodge the incoming shots. While Zepura's technique only gave her some brief breath breaks Dashade was trying a different approach. He had decided to coat his body with ki so he could swat away the orbs. He would soon find that he could indeed interact with the orbs in this way, the ki coat acted as a barrier between him and the ki, which was set to only trigger when hitting skin or objects the fighters tried to throw in their path. Of course the ki was only a thin barrier at best so he had to make sure the ki orbs did not remain in contact with his boy for more than a quarter of a second until they could breach his ki. The angel himself decided to enter the orb field but with only the faintest of movements easily dodged his own creations. The ease at which he traveled through what was basically a battlefield was almost unfair. [color=6ecff6]"For any fighter it is very important to be able to react to any threat. One must hone their senses to a point where instinct can take over, while such a level is beyond any of you at the moment remember to not rely too much on the senses, especially sight. One must be able to use their ki to sense impending danger."[/color] Just to be more annoying, now the orbs started to randomly stop and go, making completely unknowable patterns. One might stop suddenly only a few feet away, then zoom in a completely opposite direction. Zig-zagging, and generally being nuisances the orbs become even more unpredictable. Zepura growled as an orb stopped with an inch of her face, taking her full attention for a fatal moment that masked the incoming vector of a different orb which slammed into her shoulder, making her loose her balance and crash into the orb that had stopped to become an airmine. [color=f49ac2]"These little gnats are tricky to be sure! I want to use my hammer but then that would make this exercise pointless."[/color] She mumbled as she barely ducked out of the way of another orb. As the training grew more intense, the time was also going and soon the harmful light show would cease. Attracted by the ki, several figures were starting to creep up on the area they were in. Clicks, clacks, and buzzing, could be heard if one listened closely, but the warriors at the moment had their hands full as the training was reaching its climax.