[hider=Low budget.mp4] Name: Seth. Gender:[s]He sexually identifies as a meme[/s] Male Age: Like... 17 Appearance: [img]https://cdn40.picsart.com/173508333001202.png?r240x240[/img] Personality: Generally just tries to get through the day with as little mishap as possible. He's usually laid back, but can get serious if the need arises. Tries to see the good in people, and tries to be a nice guy. Lord knows this place could use more of them. Likes and Dislikes: Likes: The color Red. People watching. Walking. Dislikes: People who take things too seriously. Smoke. Tank tops. Strengths and Weaknesses: Has a great throwing arm, and is quite observant, however once he decides to start focusing on one thing, he becomes pretty oblivious to most other stuff. He has decent stamina, but recovers slowly. Biography: Seth, as far as he knows, was born to a pair of teens who couldn't take care of him, and was quickly put up for adoption. After 10 years at the orphanage, he was adopted by a pair of men. Stuck with a near unbearable amount of dad jokes, his sense of humor was slowly whittled away, and Seth just started to focus on survival more than anything else. Seth lived out the next few years in complete boredom. The only entertainment he could find was people watching. He liked seeing how each individual person was completely different from the last, and would wonder about their life. Then, of course it was time to be thrown out into the world. He didn't have many survival skills, but he was confident he could manage. He wasn't [i]that[/i] dumb. Goal: Seth is tired of the same old stuff. His main goal is to explore everywhere he can and see all there is to see. [/hider]