If there was one guy hiding in the shadows who's to say there was not another. Shane was starting to feel pressured again. There was something off here. Why was there some childhood friend here? Wait a minute. Grew up here? That seems a bit suspect. He let it go and watched them argue for a bit. Was she crazy for helping him? He did not think so. He owed her a debt now. He would keep her safe. No matter what. "Him? I have a name, you bum. It's Shane. Try not to forget it. " He said matching the stare. "Misty saved my life and I owe her a debt. Of my life. I will keep her safe. I can keep her safe better than you. I won't harm her. You on the other hand are getting close to being hurt. I say you leave ,friend. " He said keeping calm. He hoped Misty would get rid if him. Shane was close to jumping Erick again.