With Kyra off to grab those disguises Parum took some time to walk around the camp some more, this time looking for a good escape route. She needed the questest path out of the camp after tabbing Leosin, preferably one with a lot of cover. But not tents: too risky that the party will get ambushed. She hoped maybe they could get horses too but that was a long shot. Another idea she had was poisoning some of the food and water. Can’t chase them if they’re sick. [color=7ea7d8]”One thing at a time. Don’t bite for more than you can chew.[/color] Parum decided to start making out an escape route in her head, marking her path in her head. Night was falling but it was still clear enough for her to look around most of the camp. She needed to remember this pathbonce night falls and things get dark. Put her brain to work.