Saint Theophan the Recluse taught Briza that having favorites is not a wise decision, and Elder Thaddeus taught Briza that having opinions is also not a wise decision. But, Briza digresses: [indent]1. [b]What is the book you recommend to about everyone[/b]? [indent]Something by Mo Willems or Fyodor Dostoevsky[/indent] 2. [b]What are your top five (5) favorite books you've read[/b]? [list] [*][i]Saint John Chrysostom Letters to Saint Olympia[/i] by Saint John Chrysostom [*][i]Christ is the Eternal Tao[/i] by Hieromonk Damascene [*][i]If You Love Me[/i] by Matthew the Poor [*][i]The Joy Luck Club[/i] by Amy Tan [*][i]A Tale For The Time Being[/i] by Ruth Ozeki [/list] 3. [b]Top five (5) authors[/b]? [list] [*]King David [*]Saint John Chrysostom [*]Saint Athanasius of Alexandria [*]Fyodor Dostoevsky [*]Michel Evdokimov [/list] 4. [b]Worst book(s) you've ever read[/b]? [i]Lolita[/i] and [i]The Original Of Laura (Dying is Fun)[/i]. [indent][b] S P O I L E R A L E R T [/b][/indent] The math is pretty simple: 1 + 1 = 0. Vladimir Nabokov could have been a pleasure of prose, and his talented literary fashion could have blossomed into something much more salvific with a much more golden and well-pleasing metamorphose of literature. Unforunately, the debauchery of [i]Lolita[/i] against the Divine Liturgy is more akin to a [i]cheap hack[/i] with all the references he must piggy-back in order to keep his novel afloat. ( ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ? ) The novel not only starts out as defaming the Post Communion Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, but it ends with Dolores Haze dying from labor complications on Western Nativity. On a slightly different note, [i]The Original of Laura (Dying is Fun),[/i] is a novel that Nabokov did not want published if he died before completing it. In fact, he requested that such an unfinished piece should be destroyed. Unfortunately, his family did not abide by his will. After his death, his son proceeded to publish the novel. Interestingly enough, the novel is essentially about a heart-broken, morbidly bese man named Philip who begins enjoyably finishing himself by cutting off his limbs, starting with his toes. He is never able to completely kill himself, as his author died before the completing the Buddhist nirvana inspired suicide. It is a beautiful scenario of which I am happy happened. Perhaps, Nabokov's son thought the same. Regardless, the book itself should never have been written even if dying [i]is[/i] fun. 6. [b]What five (5) books have you always wanted to read but haven’t got round to[/b]? [list] [*][i]The Philokalia[/i] (I have not finished it yet.) [*][i]The Writings of Saint Maximos the Confessor[/i] (Ditto.) [*][i]The Brother's Karamazov[/i] by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Ditto.) [*][i]The Way of the Pilgrim[/i] by Author Unknown (Ditto.) [*][i]Doctor Zhivago[/i] by Boris Pasternak (Ditto.) [/list][/indent] [center][h3][i]Fin.[/i][/h3][/center]