[hider= Aldon Athan] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [color=ed1c24]Aldon Athan [/color][u][b]Titles[/b][/u]: [color=ed1c24]Lord of the night/ Blood King[/color] [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: (appears early 30’s late 20’s) Actually countless eons [u][b]Race[/b][/u] [color=ed1c24]Vampire[/color]- (was Human) [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/82/a0/2382a0ac034d0efcbb4ec72b41e923f5.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Training: [/b][/u] Trained to be an expert swordsman before being turned. After he became a vampire he was taught more advanced skills that complimented his newfound speed and strength along with the secrets of magic. [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/8328/th/pre/i/2017/331/3/b/the_void_blade__early_version__by_avarond-dbv1xr1.jpg [/img] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b]Void sword[/b][/color]- Aldons custom made sword “void” is a work of art that took decades to create. It is acurtly named as it has the strange ability to absorb magic and store it within. TO most this sword would be absolutely useless as it weighs an incredible amount and is nearly impossible to lift to a normal man. Lucky though because of Aldons Vampiric strength he is able to wield it as if were light as a feather. [color=ed1c24][b]Black leather outfit with hat[/b][/color]- As shown in the above picture Aldon wears his black garb almost everywhere he goes regardless of the situation. For one it is because he prefers to look his best at all times but in the rare cases he is about with the masses of common folk he protected from the sunlight. [color=ed1c24][b]Magic Portal Pendant[/b][/color]- This pendant is linked to a portal with in the castle of Aldon and allows for the wearer to travel back to the castle at any time. [u][b]Spell skills [/b][/u] [b][color=ed1c24]Blood magic[/color][/b]- Aldon can use both his own and others blood to abilify his other magical abilities. Of course his being immortal any magic combined with his blood has a greater effect than that of a human or other race. [color=ed1c24][b]Summoning[/b][/color]- Aldon with his long life span has learned how to summon just about everything that can bee seen in ones nightmares. Most of the more powerful beast are hard to control even by someone of his stature and can gain a will of their own if one is not careful. Because of this Aldon mostly sticks to summoning Giant Golems to fight by his side. [color=ed1c24][b]Fire[/b][/color]- While one of his lesser used abilities Aldon can conjure an manipulate fire in both offensive and defensive manners. [color=ed1c24][b]Teleportation[/b][/color]- When this ability is in use a beam of hellfire erupts from the ground and flies into the sky which is visible for many miles. Once Aldon has left the spot he was once standing the beam slowly closes in circumference until it is completely gone. This ability allows Aldon to travel anywhere in the world so long as he knows were it is. He rarely uses it though as it is very easy to recognize and can just use his necklace to return home. [b][color=ed1c24]Bat form[/color][/b]- as stereotypical as it is Aldon can transform into a bat or a swarm of bats to move more easily. [u][b]Other skills[/b][/u] [color=ed1c24]Compel[/color]- THough he rarely uses it Aldon can compel another person to do as he wishes with nothing more than eye contact. This however by far Aldons weakest ability as a Vampire. Because of this the most he can do is have the victim forget certain events or make them to basic task. If the individual were to be put in danger the person will break out of the spell. [u][b]Affiliation [/b][/u] NA. Just his own castle [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Aldon is a very calm and collected person. He is always analyzing everything to its fullest extent. He is a very calculated fighter who exploits all of his opponents weaknesses and tries to end any fight he finds himself in fast and efficiently. Even though he is calculated and generally very calm he is angered by the mistreatment if innocent people. While he knows he isn’t the best role model and he for sure doesn’t have a clear conscious, he follows a strict set of rules when conducting himself around others. [u][b]History[/b][/u] Most of what you would read in the ancient text or textbooks in a school Aldon has seen firsthand. Aldon was there during the first great wars where the titans of the world for the first time tested each others might. It was on those battlefields that Aldon was given what to some is a gift and to others is a curse. How or why he gained this is lost to all but himself. Being one of the first cases of this new occurrence he thought nothing of it. However as time passed people around began to see changes in him. For the early years he was unable to walk in sunlight at all and never seemed to age. Because of this the people believed he had signed a contract with one of the many demons that plagued the world. Fearing for his life after yet another mystery, known as the night of the blood throne, he fled to a island not far off the coast and built his castle Blutmond. Here Aldon stayed for many years learning all he could about his new self and all its gifts and curses. He completely through himself into the work and any and all magical artifacts or text that could help him. For a time he hated what he now was. A immortal breaching the basic laws of nature, he had become what he and many of the humans fought against in the beginning years of most nations. After a few lifetimes for most humans he gave up on the idea of a cure and began to go mad. He saw the inferiority of mortals and began to see himself above them. He saw how corrupt the nation's of man had become and how the beast followed suit. Believing it was his duty to cast judgment so he did and believed them to be unworthy. While not openly, he began to wage wars against the kingdoms of man and beast alike. He saluted hundreds of thousands of people during these dark times. He had learned how to give people the vampiric plague and create more like him. These new vampires however were different from him. They cared for nothing more than killing. They began rampage throughout many of the country’s. At this growing threat from creatures of the night people began to openly challenge them as Hunters in what those from that time called the night wars. Seeing how men and women would stand and fight creatures far stronger than themselves with no hope of winning restored his faith in the humanity he had condemned. Many of the vampires were killed by hunters though a few including Aldon managed to survive. Aldon fled back to his castle now with the title of “king of the night”. That was last time Aldon was seen openly in a large scale. He for the most part, stayed in his castle from then on only traveling across the world to keep up on the events of the world. Many of the common folk have even forgot about him. The lasting prices of him in the history books are the legends of the Great War he started or the horror story’s tell their parents to scare them from wandering off alone at night. Other Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S4g2nTXdQo[/url] [/hider] here is my cs feel free to ask any questions about him.