I like both of those things. I'm open to lots of different plots, but mostly I'm looking to work with one of two characters of mine that I want to develop further. Each are very different and each could be plopped in a variety of different plots, so maybe I'll tell you about them and see if that inspires some kind of idea of yours? The first is a kind of warrior woman. Can be done in a high fantasy or a alternate universe/sci-fi setting with ease. She is from a desert culture that is somewhat secluded and perhaps even a bit behind the times. She's a hot tempered type who suffers no fools and with her combat training, she's not someone you want to pick a fight with willy-nilly. She lacks tact and is often blunt, saying exactly what she means. She is a creature of passion and does not hide her emotions very well, even if she tries. She's just expressive like that. Adaptable, hardy, socially awkward, abrasive, passionate. The second is a shapeshifter character who would probably be better suited in a fantasy situation (but hey, maybe he's an alien, idk. I'm open). He is a renowned thief and criminal who has lots of rumors floating around about his ruthlessness, inhumanity, and evil heart, but only a portion of these rumors are true and more still are blown out of proportion. In truth, he's a wily, cocksure thief who steals more for pleasure than for survival, and delights in causing a stir. Balks at authority, laughs in the face of danger, and is fueled by a little bit of an ego. Surprisingly sensitive and honorable for a criminal, he lives by his own code but he does have one and he does stick to it. It's just not exactly in line with mainstream values all the time. Has a flair for the dramatic. His being a shapeshifter is often viewed as a negative thing, and this image isn't helped by his history of crime. Good natured, unflappable, occasionally charming, easygoing, bold, not reserved. Possible plot ideas (or as I like to call them, starting points) Character A discovers they have magical abilities in a society where magic is either rare/frowned upon/outlawed and goes to character B for guidance. A disastrous event or ongoing crime happens, Character A brings in character B to help find the criminal/understand motivations/speak a local language/unravel a conspiracy? Something involving the hiring of mercenaries? A heist? A coup? A widespread rebellion? Exploration of a new planet/continent? Accidental kidnapping? Lol. Just spitballing here. Totally open to other thoughts as well. Anything tickle your fancy, or give you inspiration?