Serge watched Mister Wu exit. Not moments before, they shook hands on a job that was more coerced than negotiated in the end. They would still get a decent pay, sure, if they honoured their part of the bargain. From where Serge stood up straight, he was giving a smile to whomever looked back at him from the security detail. Once they were all gone, he lowered himself back down onto the plastic chair at the table, leant forward on his elbows, and held his closed fist against his lips. He sat, thinking, and staring into space. Even if Serge looked like he had just been diagnosed with a venereal disease, the others would have picked up by now that this was his serious thinking face. He barely even shifted his eyes when Andi spoke up. Serge opened his fist in a gesture and returned it to his lips. "We could use a place to start looking into this," he said, standing up. "Lead the way." [hr] Serge couldn't keep his eyes off the various features of the tunnel around him. He could have been was scanning for surveillance devices but he was just as likely to be watching out for leaky pipes. "You really put those MOLEcorp vulnerabilities to good use, huh?" Serge commented. His voice carried along the concrete walls a distance ahead. Serge did not have time to ask how the follow-up actions to their previous data acquisition mission had gone for Siofra. He was honestly expecting to spot some clues as to what she had found out in her home. Serge was surprised to see a woman and a young girl waiting for them on the other side of the door, but things did not click together just yet. "So, I'm gonna guess this is the one you want to keep existing, right?" Serge asked. "Who are these people, exactly, Siofra?" The twinge in Serge's voice told of his distaste for involving strangers in their mission.