[quote=@Cerces22] ...[color=fdc68a]"Now listen here Vulpix, you are going to be my first pokemon ever. I have waited my entire life for this moment. Nothing will stop me from catching such a beautiful pokemon such as yourself. Now join my team!!"[/color] Circe said as she threw her second pokeball, this just had to work, she couldn't threw her last just yet!! [/quote] Vulpix tilted her head as if listening to Circe's passionate words, but were the words having the desired effect? They would know momentarily, as the Pokeball was now on its way to the happy Vulpix... Then... it missed. Or more accurately, Vulpix dodged (sort of). Whether on purpose or by accident, she stretched in a cat-like manor, ducking underneath the oncoming Pokeball. The ball hit the ground behind her and shot a beam of red light fruitlessly into the sky. She then yawned. Before anyone could even process what had just happened, an eeire yet beautiful howl filled the air. Off in the distance, stood a fully grown [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/c5f7/f/2016/223/c/6/ninetails3_copy_by_em_breon-dadi0re.png]Alolan Ninetales[/url]. The little Vulpix perked her ears up and howled back quickly. She then turned back to the crowd of humans, and let out two crisp barks, as if to say [b]"Bye Bye!"[/b]. She then began to run away to join the Ninetales, whom was already walking in the other direction, headed north. Before the Vulpix got too far away, a young man in the group (the one that had been complaining earlier) pulled out a Pokeball. He began to run, but was quickly stopped by Sargeant Sokolov, who simply stepped into the boys path and faced him calmly. [b]"What are you doing? It's getting away!"[/b] The boy shouted. With a stern but soft voice, Sokolov spoke, [b]"It is going home. We go home too."[/b] Meanwhile, Professor Rowan was standing up. He had gone to retrieve the two Pokeballs that Cerce had thrown. A young woman in the crowd spoke up, talking to Professor Rowan, [b]"Professor, what are you doing? You did the same thing earlier when that guy failed to catch the Foongus."[/b] [b]"Hm?"[/b] Professor Rowan said. [b]"Oh yes. My apologies. I forgot to tell you."[/b] He then spoke louder, addressing everyone. [b]"These Pokeballs are repairable. When we get back to HQ, I will have them fixed... Sure beats littering the world with empty Pokeballs."[/b] A short laugh escaped him. Result: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/8431]Nope. Que tiny violin.[/url] [color=fff79a][b]Hours Later...[/b][/color] While many were disappointed to see the Alolan Vulpix get away, most were just happy to be back in the semi-climate controlled HQ. The large fire place in the lobby had quite the crowd surrounding it. Gossip, small talk, complaints, and joking around: a family atmosphere was beginning to form.