Neil blinked at his Captain's orders, raising an eyebrow. He'd taken prisoners in war before himself, but not when he was infiltrating the UNF outside of his mech. Within the mech was a different storyh, but it was easy to have a pilot within his power once he had destroyed the enemy Valk. But here...four enemy guns allowed into the ship...he wasn't entirely sure that was a good idea. But if he questioned his Captain now, even via comm, it would only make their position weaker. "Aye aye, Captain." He said, flipping open the switch to release the bay doors. As the door began to unfasten, Neil pushed himself off the chair and went to grab his 40mm XLR grenade launcher. If that didn't intimidate them he didn't know what would. That and of course, if he was crazy enough to blow up the hanger from the ship, he would be crazy enough to blow himself up along with Junebug if it meant taking the six men out with them. He greeted them as they entered the ship, flak armor on his torso and sunglasses donned, with the launcher aimed straight at the men. "Med bay's this way." he said, nodding them to follow him. Kagan eyed Neil for a moment, and then shook his head and waved his men forward. They held their wounded two at a time, moving in good order toward the direction Neil indicated. Inside, they would find four chambers that had healing stemliquid, along with various medical supplies for more specific wounds to be treated, such as shrapnel or bullet wounds. [@Penny]