[hider=Soulseer of Vesh][center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/e7/36/64e7361bcf95438fdbf9a89b8182aa51.jpg[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LmZmZmZmZi5WWEpwWld3Z1FXVjBhSGx1LjAA/stingray.regular.png[/img][/center] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] A G E [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent]He is eighteen years of age.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] R A C E [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent]Human, with the meek heavily diluted blood of a deity coursing through his veins, as his mother before him, as her father before her.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] A P P E A R A N C E [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent]Standing at five feet three inches, Uriel's skin is as pale white as it could be, a direct result of his cloistered background. His raven-colored hair reaches down to his shoulders, the lack of knots or outlying strands speaking well of his attentiveness to personal details. A catching detail that many citizens of Telduria would note as worrying is the color of his eyes; a pure and untouched gold, practically unseen in this day and age, beyond some representatives of the Archclericy. More perceptive citizenry would take note of his hands, being uncalloused, shaking with anxiety, and being smooth to sight, not dissimilar to nobility. His shoulders are held high, and his head is held low in public, his eyes finding something of interest on the ground. Much like the common folk around him shuffling through the rain to get to their occupation of choice, he attempts to gather himself in much the same way to varying degrees of success. His posture remains weak, speaking ill of his confidence. He is lightweight, not a perceptible trace of fat on his body, his metabolism showing itself as a strength, rather then a weakness. As a result, Uriel is rather lithe. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] T R A I N I N G [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent] [u][b]◈ Penmanship:[/b][/u] Uriel has an extremely refined grasp of the matters of the written word, able to handwrite succinct letters thanks to the variety of tutors that educated him in his youth. His skill in calligraphy allows his quill to dance across the pages with a flick of the wrist, demonstrating his mastery of the art with incredible ease. [u][b]◈ Etiquette:[/b][/u] The scholar, when prompted to introduce himself or if he is speaking up of his own volition, demonstrates a remarkable aptitude for respecting nobility and those of high social standing. With his humble nature, this tends to extend so far as to the individuals he respects, bowing to them as he would nobility. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] E Q U I P M E N T [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent] [u][b]◈ Travel Outfit:[/b][/u] His outfit consists of an airy beige long-sleeve shirt, unassuming gray long pants, and brown leather knee-length boots, further insulating his lower legs. A toolbelt runs around his waist, keeping his pants anchored in place, carrying such things as extra ink, back-up quills, and fine leather laces for his boots. A well-hidden sheath is attached to the left of the belt buckle, hiding his sharpened steel dagger with the aid of his dark gray cloak, which hangs off of his shoulders and goes down to his knees. The hood on the linen cloak allows him to hide his face, and most importantly, his eyes. [u][b]◈ Satchel:[/b][/u] A brown shoulderbag with a thin strap, this bag contains a variety of miscellaneous items of various importance to Uriel. It ranges from a quill made from a raven feather, a small pack of rations enough to last him to the next village, a small razor fit for shaving, a wooden plate, and finally, to a pack of blank parchment fit for letters. [u][b]◈ Journal:[/b][/u] A dark-brown leather bound journal, filled with the scripture of Uriel's telltale calligraphy. In it, are the thoughts of an insecure young man beginning on the long journey to the Court of the Stars. It has a strong scent of lavender. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] S P E L L S K I L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent]He knows no spells, as he has never had a tutor proficient in the arts of magic to teach him. Priests from the Archclericy weren't allowed in their household or near him, which prevented him from learning the various ways to heal a person in the holy arts that would otherwise be taught in the Archclericy of Valon itself. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] O T H E R S K I L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent][u][b]◈ Soulseer:[/b][/u] Uriel, by virtue of his ancient bloodline, has access to a divine ability that allows him to see in to another persons eyes, and witness their innate nature; their fundamental alignment towards the world. Requiring a degree of focus, to be physically near the individual he is reading, and for their eyes to be locked on one another, this is commonly used by Uriel to see how well-meaning and trustworthy an individual is. A trait that had arisen upon further use of this divine gift is the perception to sense what their intent is towards the user themselves. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] A F F I L I A T I O N S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent][u][b]◈ Aethyn Family:[/b][/u] The Aethyns go back generations in the region of Vesh, having settled there before it had become a Kingdom. They are considered the old guard, and have some weight when it comes to matters in the immediate community that need to be resolved. The family at large want for nothing, and are presently satisfied with their lot in life, not discontent to work the fertile land of Vesh for the needs of the surrounding kingdoms like their fellow man, earning them a great deal of respect. Their heritage is kept quiet to the rest of the world, and as the many scions of the Aethyn family have shown themselves to be responsible, their gold eyes don't provoke fear to the people in Vesh as compared to that of the daemons. The pedigree of the family can be traced as far back as their time in Urland, famed as powerful warriors and dispensers of peace, before their migration to Vesh. There is no discernible record of a coupling with a grand deity of either legend or obscure origin. In recent events, the family has a tenuous relationship with representatives of the Archclericy, not allowing them near. This is due to the meddling of Abigail, who was a staunch believer in one of their religions, The Radiant Sun, until the birth of her child Uriel. It is unknown why she carries such animosity for those in the faith of Nicarious. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent]Uriel can be described as a remarkably humble young man, a romanticist, and provincial, in no small part due to how he was raised. Intelligent and highly focused on his work, he is the very picture of a scholar. The most recent scion to the Aethyn family, and the youngest child of his two parents Abigail and Gareth, he is coveted and held precious to the family. When it comes to doing much else then reading, researching, or inscribing a letter to one of his cousins outside of Vesh, you'd be hard pressed to get him to be productive through orders unless it benefits him. Undisciplined, yet containing self-control in his own right, he is always willing to see reason in almost any circumstances. His weaker personality traits come to light when pressured to do anything of substance with a time imposed upon him, as his overthinking becomes his bane and causes him to crumble. While this is nullified with time and experience on a given task, he is hard-wired to overthink his set of circumstances, perhaps leading to him questioning more then he should on what would normally be something straightforward and simple. Not to mention, his complete and utter fear of any kind of combat, despite his training with the lesson imparted by Ethelia four years back. As he has no experience in defending himself, others, or having many chances to operate independent from the reaches of his family, he lacks confidence and backbone in situations where he would desire it most. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] H I S T O R Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent]Uriel was born to Abigail Aethyn and Gareth Ulsher, two loving parents in the nation of Vesh, a kingdom of agriculture. The years he was raised from a toddler were almost tranquil as they had the experience from raising their child Aron to calm their nerves. Through hard and diligent work, his parents had given him the gifts of a carefree upper-class education, starting when he was eight. The finest tutors came from far and wide to visit the young child and impart on him significant lessons, his studies ranged from history, to fine etiquette, to penmanship, to a variety of different subjects. These assignments were pressured on him at a young age, their teaching having an almost polarizing effect on his personality at the time. The six years of academic pressure were released when the clock turned on his life and he became fourteen, his parents unable to keep up with the rising costs of high-class tutoring with their wages. Uriel's studies did not end with his teachers as one may expect, rather, it continued in full confidence with the support his parents could give. He became eccentric as his child-like lodgings became his study, and his rampant desire for knowledge became evident as his passion. From reading of the lavish history of Telduria, to the glorious battles lead by Urland, the Dragon Princes to the northeast, the erudite young scholar spent years of his life in the pages of his books. The potential ability his parents discussed with him in the past never registered to him until the rare moment he found himself outside, amongst the citizenry at his parents behest. What little work he was able to do was lessened by the fact that he knew next to nobody who toiled alongside him, and became plagued with his newfound anxiety as there was no way to accurately predict the human nature of his colleagues. His issues were salved when he made friends with Sophia Dreiden, who looked him in the eyes as she would an equal, and shook his hand. He had come to realize his divine gift in that moment, granting him intense insight in to the beauty of another persons outlook and drives, even her friendly intentions towards him. His tormented nerves settled in that moment, and they became fast friends, sending letters to one another to this day. As he became more engaged in life outside of the family household, so too did that come with a price. A bodyguard followed him whenever he went out to the market, to the rare visit to his brother Aron in the militia, and before long, it was inevitable that he'd share a bond with his protector. For the next four years, Ethelia Carasiva was the tempered shield that kept him confident in public, knowing she wouldn't let anything happen to him. He had witnessed her inner alignment before long, and with this comforting knowledge in mind, they became trusted friends. To Uriel, she had become a kind caretaker, the one he never felt he had, encouraging his curiosity and interests when she could. Before long, she had to be removed out of his service according to the ancient family contract that put her there to begin with, which tore the young man up. No contact in any measure was provided, and he never saw her again. After Ethelia left his service, Uriel became downcast and withdrew to his studies. As time whittled on for the young man, he found his books to be unwelcoming, pushing him away from the passion he had devoted himself to. They were the same subjects he had read through the years, the tepid 'popular' titles he had acquired from the market, and they didn't excite him as they did in the past. The thought came to him to expand his horizons; to go on a trip to find himself. He could feel resolve welling up within him as he stood from his childhood study and went to get everything together; for his long journey to Ithell! [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] T H E M E S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent][u][b]◈ Main Theme:[/b][/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtzO2DC1WVU[/youtube] [/indent][/indent] [b][color=gainsboro][sub][u][b] A U T H O R'S N O T E S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][indent][i]On the Subject of Permission, Soulseer, and Such Things[/i] My fellow writers, I wouldn't worry about this ability. I will never use it on any of your characters without your sole permission, and I will always ask before implying any usage of it to prevent any unnecessary drama or stress coming from its use. [i]The Whimsical Nature of Early Strength[/i] It's my belief that, when your character starts off strong, it makes everything lesser in a way. While this character Uriel is underwhelming by nature, this makes everything that much more enriching. When everybody is special, nobody is, and rarely do our fellow writers take on the effort of portraying a genuine civilian. Innocent, scared when raising a blade, and relatively defenseless, Uriel is my attempt at breaking stereotypes over time. Everything of substance that he shall learn from here on out, shall be in the roleplay amongst you, my friends. His alignment, his drives, and even his very personality may change out in the world of Telduria. See you there. [/indent][/indent] [/hider]