Leon wanted to say that he didn't really needed help to climb the ladder; the problem was more that the weight of the bag would've pulled him off of the thing. Regardless, the help was more than welcome, allowing him to spare his wounded arm for a bit. Once up there, he looked down at Rose, who was now in the same problematic position as he was mere minutes ago. [i]Well, that didn't solve a whole lot... Now what do we do? If only we had some kind of rope. Then we could just pull it up. Maybe we could use a roll of bandage for it? Then again, that would ruin said bandage, one of the items we're trying to retrieve. Plus, we can't be sure whether or not bandage wouldn't just snap somewhere along the line...[/i] Leon's mental exercise was interrupted by Rose calling out to him about if he could help. "Sure, that much I can manage," he answered. He lowered himself until he laid flat on his stomach to keep as much of his weight as far away from the hole as possible, with only his face and left shoulder and arm above the hole, then lowered aforementioned left arm down into the hole to grasp one of the bag's handles. "On three, okay?," Leon called out to Rose. "One... two... three!" With that, he pulled on the bag with all his might, or at least as much of it as he could muster in what is not quite the ideal position to lift things. The problem was, if he only used his left arm he simply wouldn't have enough grip and balance to lift anything remotely heavy. Realizing this, he clenched his teeth and placed the palm of his right hand flat on the ground. "Rose? Move your hands under the bag and push it as hard as you can, like if you're trying to throw it at me... Now!" At the same time he said 'Now', Leon both pulled on the bag with his left arm and pushed himself away from the ground with his right, his face contorting in pain as he did so. With a massive groan, he yanked the bag out of the hole, practically throwing it behind him with an overhead swing -- gently lowering the thing would've taken more effort, and per extension would've hurt even more. Immediately afterward he sank back to the ground, rolled over onto his back and obviously in a lot of pain. "...That might have... not been the... best idea... I ever had," he muttered through jagged breathing, more to himself than to Rose. One look at the bandage would prove that this was indeed the case; a couple of slowly growing red stains were silent witnesses of the fact that that the wounds were bleeding again, or at least more so than a minute ago. "Say... Rose? Are there any... painkillers... in that kit?"