It was a little annoying for Saxan that everyone but he got a proper look at the letter, though from the little he noticed of the writing and of the letter itself, it was possible that the girl was forced to write the letter under duress, maybe having been threatened by the young noble himself before he kidnapped her, maybe with the help of some hired guards or such. As Kismet spoke, it only served to reinforce his train of thought, the boy probably forced her to write the letter before kidnapping her. He now wished that he had not chased the two nobles away, he might have found out a bit more information about both of the people involved in this mess. [color=ed1c24]"Kismet makes a point, though judging from the paper, I think one kidnapped the other, more specifically, I believe that young Lord Eric Hyde forced lady Sheila to write this letter before kidnapping her."[/color] He announced to the group, despite he himself not wishing to jump to quickly to this conclusion. [color=ed1c24]"However, we must find proof of this before we jump to conclusions."[/color] With that, he turned towards everyone there to what they thought of the idea. [color=ed1c24]"So, what do you all think this?"[/color]