Quite a lot of people had popped up in the time she'd been waiting. While she hadn't been the first arrival, the Acolyte could be counted among the first in this group to see the Gate. It wasn't much- just a little something from the oriental side of the world. It was both interesting and surprising that such a thing had caused so much fuss among the community. Countless games have existed since their creation decades ago. It was only natural that legends and rumors about various secrets, glitches, and wonders would start to pop up. This had continued from the "cursed" ROM hacks of a bygone era to more modern VR games with rumored secret zones accessible to only a select few. Emilie took a moment to think about the various rumors that came up on the forums here and there. Certainly, the NPC next to the Gate had her attention more than the mon itself. Said rabbit was of course, shamelessly shilling a product. That gave her plenty of time to think about this new campaign and its implications. However, in this specific case- A red mon? The devs weren't trying to attract more Taiwanese stop motion cartoon fans again, were they? It really didn't help revitalize the game or community the last time they pulled this stunt. [color=FFFFF0][i]"Do they plan on wasting all their revenue again? That market was saturated long before WEO existed. "[/i][/color] There were plenty of stock generic jrpg fantasy VRMMOs. Even if she had a refined appreciation for it, eastern myth didn't really belong in this particular worlds lore. [color=FFFFF0][i]"I suppose it's nothing if the Campaign World is different. It'd be cool to see it ahead of everyone else."[/i][/color] Thankfully, the mention of [color=f7976a]"[b]Conquest of the New World[/b]"[/color] regained her excitement in very short order. If it wasn't just corporate jargon, this could be good. They'd be like Conquistadors and true adventurers in a foreign land. With that premise in mind, she was positively beaming by now. This could be very fun, and hopefully done properly. The Acolyte skimmed through the EULA and accepted the terms with an expression that projected her excitable mood. This was weird, though. They were essentially beta testers for a future expansion. That's what made sense. So then, why were they just signing a EULA? There should've been an NDA too. It was a question Emilie would need to keep in mind for the future. There was something shady about this, anyone could see that, but that was something to work with. That aside, there was no doubt that "Riske" would jump on the chance to play the new expansion with her. Instead of taking the time to ask a dumb question, she took out the standard player book issued to all avatars. Within a few moments, she was quickly scanning the pages and examining the profiles(if public) of each and every person present. It didn't take long. [color=FFFFF0][i]"No edgy monks with a twenty thousand word bio. That was painless enough."[/i][/color] She stretched, before taking another look at the group gathered around the gateway. There were more than a few interesting ones and one or two rather famous faces. Weber rather liked the look of things on this end of the gate, even if none of them were really RP heavy. Of course, a few were bullying the rabbit. Given that you could buy NPCs for that express (unsaid)purpose in-game, she didn't see fit to waste her time on something like that. Rather than a very suspicious NPC, she was more interested in the various PCs. Skuld pointed upward with her right hand. A white flare shot up with a whoosh, exploding with rather a tame bang. She called to everyone in the group who wasn't currently occupied. [color=FFFFF0]"Would anyone want to be my ally while exploring this new world? We'll be far stronger as companions!"[/color]