Roxy flinched when Devika mentioned her parents. She had figure that would be one of the first things the empath would want to do. After being isolated from the world for some many years most people would want to see family. She had no idea how she would deal with meeting with the empath's family but she would figure it out.[color=blue] "Yes I am immune to you. I also create a bubble that will dampen the emotions you experience from others. Not enough that you can't work in the law enforcement field but enough that you won't be overwhelmed."[/color] Roxy sighed when Devika indicated it would take time for her to pack. Just what she needed. She had a business to get back to. She hide her irritation. The other woman had indicated that she had just gotten the letter stating that this was happening. It wasn't the empath's fault that she wasn't ready to go. [color=blue]"It's fine. I'll help you pack. Tomorrow I will go rent a truck but I need an idea of what size you need first."[/color] Staying wasn't ideal but there wasn't any choice. Luckily Roxy worked for herself and set her own hours. This extra time wouldn't cost her anything. She would just have to feel the time with something other than work and practice. She supposed getting to know Devika was the most logical thing to do. They would have to live together for awhile so she needed to know how the empath was going to fit into her life.