I am not going to argue with you. I am almost sure that you either the title of the pm, which I deleted, or something in our discussion before we started indicated that you were looking for someone subservient. I was hesitant to used Liz and I know I expressed that. But you're right that was my choice. While it might not seem like it I don't blame you for the struggles I am having with using her in this RP. Actually I do know that Bastian won't listen to Liz. While she hasn't tried much she has tried twice. I agree that she didn't push as hard as she could have but that was because of limits that have been removed so maybe next time will go better. I 6019183434312138 assumed Bastian sought help because beastkind couldn't go some places. Not because he was aware of his own limitations. Yes Liz literally did 6044100582979241nothing. I think another problem we are having is how we envision the world. We probably should have discussed this more or I should have included more information. I am never sure where to put this information so it comes out coming out at the wrong time. Slavery is well known and accepted in this world. Slaves are criminals. Light crimes like pickpocketing get worked off in a year. More serious crimes have longer sentences. Criminals are marked. This is to make sure they can't just take off while serving their time. The marking is strong magic that only a few mages can do. Again to keep the criminals from simply taking off. Most slave are only in the cells of the slavers a few days. Slaves are in high demand so they tend to go quickly. Liz kind of went unnoticed until Bastian. And you're right she probably learned a few things just by watching the others but she had never used those skills so I doubt that knowledge would come to her right away. Just so you know Liz didn't commit a crime. She was framed but I doubt Bastian will ever discover that. She never defended herself. She didn't think she would be able to convince anyone that she didn't do it. She just gave up and accepted her fate. I shouldn't compare who your beastkind to mine. But the fate that he has no information or clues about who kidnapped his kids or why means he has little chance of finding them. Especially when they seem to have several days lead. My beastkind wasn't confident that he could help or that his information would be useful to Bastian. He had rumors that another beastkind was using the assassin's guild to search for his children. My beastkind thought there was a chance to that they were going after the same people and if that was the case they would be stronger together than apart. But Bastian didn't seem open to the idea and honestly I couldn't think of a way for either Liz or my beastkind to get him to consider it. If I can think of something I might bring him back but right now I don't see that happening. Liz knows that there is danger in the world but she doesn't think that she is in danger. As a slave she is beneath most people's notice. The Bladed Beauty isn't an assassin. There is no reason for her to be linked to the assassin's guild. Yes the guild might use her, her skills would be very beneficial to them, that doesn't link her to the guild. Yes I could put more into the plot. Yes I can affect where they go. No I will not do either. That is my choice. I don't like it when stories take random paths that have nothing to do with the plot. Until I think of something that helps the story or character growth I will only hint at ideas that I think might help you tell the story. If you get them fine. If you don't I will drop it. I will mention anything I really want in OOC. I do not want or need you to tell me what you have planned. If you don't want me asking questions to clarify points I don't understand than I won't. I'll do my best to respond to what I think is happening and hope that I am not too far off the mark. I don't think Elizabeth's story is going to be a part of this. As much as I hate that it serves no purpose to include it. I will watch for ways to include it but at the moment I don't see it happening. I understand why Bastian needs to control his curse. I am just not convinced that Liz can do it. Not because of her personality but his.I didn't realize the tunnels were blocked. Being tunnels I assumed there was more than one way out. I shouldn't. The uprising is fine. I don't see it's purpose but I am open to seeing how it effect the story. I will follow your lead as best I can. That's all I can do at this point. Unfortunately I don't understand a lot of what you posted for what you have planned coming up but I am not going to worry about it.