Hector wondered where all this outrage had been before the rabbit had explained himself. Rather than curse at him and questions his motives before he claimed to have a good motive, they chose to do so after he told them there was a very real threat to themselves. It flowed into what some of the other said, that their little group was unlikely to work together well. That much was absolutely true, but again, Hector could not see the point of pointing it out after he had told them he had limited choice in the way of people he could reasonably bring over. Amusingly, it was the young one that had made a point of screaming about how they needed to work together that chose to point out that they were all unlikely to work together. He couldn't fathom how saying that would help them work together any better, if that was really what he wanted. Even less helpful was the rabbit's dogged determination to remain vaguely condescending and standoffish at those he wanted allegiance from. Going from worse to worse, the absolute disaster of this gathering turned even more sour as the aforementioned kid vanished in a cocoon of darkness, or something to that effect. After everything that had happened, Hector could only bring his palm to his face, wearing a look of intense frustration. Yet again, a life had been lost due to them being thrown in the deep end by this maddening group. The irony that it was one of their most fervent supporters was not lost on Hector. One consolation was that the rabbit had seemed to have undergone a transformation of their own, and for the better in his opinion. While they sounded nauseatingly sugary all of a sudden, they certainly sounded a great deal more conciliatory about the fact that yet another had perished for their recklessness. Hector imagined it was a slim chance that this transformation would be permanent. In lieu of more reasonable leadership, their "Mad Hatter" arrived to deliver a far more reasonable explanation of events than this "Peter White" ever had. All the same details and more, without the condescension and dismissiveness he now associated the male rabbit with. This was all still far from ideal, but it was a marked improvement at the least. Ultimately, the Mad Hatter got down to business far faster than Hector had been hoping for. They now had a clear plan of action and a certain certainty in what they were to do. That was something Hector could appreciate. Taking possession of his "weapons", his own marble-thing manifested as an embalming knife. He recognised the type from a documentary. He wondered if everything in this land was going to be caked in symbolism, like the embalming knife for the mortician's son. He wasn't so sure he would enjoy that. Nevertheless, they had their objective, and Hector was quite content to pursue it. There was little else to do here but stumble about blindly, so he would follow the given path until everything became more clear, following the others to their forested point of origin.