[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/294cc29d3751ff5393d4672b5c3b3d50/tumblr_p7ercdKWQR1w6599so1_1280.png[/img][/center] Conquest was more than just a right to victory. It was a right to a worthwhile victory. Something that was worth putting your heart and soul into. Finding the bear's designated location had a clear reward associated with it. Davis would know more about what was going on. Therefor, he knew he would get there. Getting there first however was not important to him, even if he did appear to be momentarily in front of everyone. When Lilly got up and skipped in front of everyone, himself included, he did not break into a run to catch up with the skipping girl. She could take the lead. There was nothing special to be gained from arriving first. Not that he was aware of, at least. But then she stopped in front of him. Directly, in, front, of, him. She had made herself an obstacle before the mighty conqueror. Did she know what she was doing? Could Lilly even begin to fathom the position she had put herself in? She was mouse standing before a lion, the wind blowing at a mountain, an asteroid hurdling towards the sun. This was not a favorable position for Lilly, and she would soon regret her actions. If Davis desired it. [color=tomato]“A bit of a delayed response.”[/color] Davis stepped past Lilly. Perhaps she simply needed time to type up a response. But she had avoided shaking his hand, allowed all sorts of pleasantries to be exchanged right over her head, and it was [i]now[/i] that she decided to approach him? He still planned on answering her question regardless. [color=tomato]“We're ultimate students. I simply committed your name and face to memory because I felt you had an interesting talent.”[/color] Lilly would have no difficulty skipping after or even beside Davis, because he wasn't moving especially fast. [color=tomato]“Same with the other two. Hacking, making deserts, and becoming other people are all talents I can respect.”[/color] Davis glanced over his shoulder with a grin. [color=tomato]“I'm not sure if being 'suave' can really be considered a talent. But I suppose time will tell.”[/color] He looked to Lilly. [color=tomato]“Why, do not many people know you?”[/color] [@Vocab]